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Job offers

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
Local public spaces

Tourist train driver (F/H)

Référence : PL-2025-S001
  • Technical assistant
  • Category C - Technical sector
  • Employeur : Metropolis of Montpellier
Working for the Pôle Territorial Littoral of the Pôle Proximité Espaces Publics, under the authority of the Beach Business Unit Manager and the Sector Manager, you will be responsible for the routes of the small trains defined by the prefectoral decree authorizing them to operate in the commune of Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone. You will also take part in the upkeep and maintenance of the small trains, following the instructions and procedures given to you by your superiors and the maintenance booklet.

Vos principales missions

  • You drive the small train on the Pilou and Prévost sector route.
  • You carry out servicing and minimal maintenance on the locomotive and carriages
  • You ensure passenger safety
  • You take part in carrying out the tasks entrusted by the sector manager to his team
  • You report any incidents or problems encountered during your shift close to the beach business unit manager.
  • You comply with traffic regulations
  • You check engine fuel levels
  • You carry out routine maintenance on the locomotive and wagons
  • On an exceptional basis, you may be called upon to work in other business units of the beach service.


El Polo al que pertenecerá está en el centro de la estrategia de desarrollo controlado que preserva el entorno vital de Montpellier y de los 31 municipios de su Metrópolis. Su equipo estará encantado de apoyarle en sus nuevas misiones.

Les indispensables

D license required


- Master the maneuvers of the little train - Teach passengers to respect safety rules - Apply prevention and safety rules - Give an account - Use related machines and tools - Ability to work as part of a team, thoroughness, sense of public service, physical ability (working outdoors in contact with the public). - Safety rules specific to the position (safety protocol and training)
Contact us : Beach unit manager
Administrative contact : Recruitment Manager GRH3