Application for a terrace on the public domain
A terrace permit allows a retailer to occupy the public domain in front of his business with a terrace. This occupancy authorization is subject to payment of a fee meeting precise regulations. Fees are set annually by deliberation and decision of the Mayor, within the limits determined by the Municipal Council.
All you need to know about the authorization to occupy the public domain

- It is temporary.
- It is issued by the City in the form of an order.
- It is personal, precarious and revocable. It is therefore non-transferable.
- If the business is sold, it automatically ceases. You will have to reapply.
The processing time for each application is 2 months. This can be extended to 3 months if protected sites are involved.
The beneficiaries of a terrace authorization can only be natural or legal persons operating catering establishments (cafés, brasseries, ice cream parlors, restaurants and tearooms).
However, the installation of markets always takes priority over the installation of terraces.
La demande d'autorisation est à adresser :
- par téléphone : 04 67 34 72 37
- par courriel :
- par courrier :
Mairie de Montpellier Service Régulation des Occupations Commerciales et Événementielles
1 Place Georges Frêche 34267 Montpellier Cedex 2
Rules to observe
- Beneficiary establishments must carry out part of their activity on the first floor (have a frontage on the public domain).
- The floor area must allow for the storage of terrace equipment.
- No terrace installed before 7am.
- The removal of furniture will take place at the end of the legal closing time for drinking establishments.
For all applications, the file must include: the completed application form for occupation of the public domain and the other documents mentioned at the end of the form.
It is possible to make this application in advance, even before being the beneficiary of the goodwill.