Why this Pact?
Montpellier is particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change. That's why, since 2020, it has been committed to an ecological and inclusive transition that inspires all its public policies.
In the field of development, preparing for a sustainable future requires a paradigm shift: combating urban sprawl, reducing the environmental impact of projects, reducing the artificialization of land, building a city of BEAUTIFUL, sober in its consumption of resources and carbon, sparing in space, geographically and socially balanced, peaceful... In a word: desirable.
This necessary transition requires professionals in the act of building a resolute commitment alongside the community. The municipality has therefore defined, in consultation with them, ambitious and concrete recommendations that structure "Le Pacte: Montpellier ville désirable".
Strategic priorities
A genuine decision-making tool, the Pact confirms and renews a shared culture of city-building with professionals: architects, developers, planners and, more generally, all project owners and project managers working in the city of Montpellier.
It federates around strategic orientations and a shared vision of how to build the city at a time of climatic, social and environmental emergencies. Its application is expected for all new operations (housing, tertiary, equipment...) and in renovation/rehabilitation/recycling.
Although not coercive, the design of renovation, rehabilitation or construction projects on the city's territory will have to draw on the Pact's recommendations, articulated with current or future regulations.
8 imperatives
The Pact is organized according to 8 strategic principles ordered in the format of "imperatives". Each of these is broken down into several non-exhaustive "commitments" whose implementation must respond to the urgent need for action:
- Embellish the city, build the heritage of tomorrow
- Place the citizen at the heart of every project
- Produce responsibly, encourage short circuits
- Create desirable places to live
- Adopt energy sobriety, contribute to decarbonization
- Support decarbonized mobility
- Protect and regenerate living organisms, support urban agroecology
- Preserve and manage water resources
Drawing up the Pact
The elaboration of the Pact involved multiple expertises during several months of work in collective intelligence and partnership, via:
- thematic co-construction workshops involving the City, the Metropole of Montpellier, architects, urban planners, landscape architects, builders, developers, academics, social landlords, developers, energy specialists, government departments and agencies, associations, urban planning and architecture students;
- an in-depth consultation of all the municipal and metropolitan departments concerned, as well as elected representatives;
- an extensive bibliography.