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Find a job
How can I find a job in Montpellier and the surrounding area?
Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and the City of Montpellier can help you find a job. Many organizations are here to help:
Job search events
Les Rencontres pour l'Emploi
This is a major event organized every year. You can meet companies that are recruiting and receive advice for your job applications
Other events
- The TAF fair : to find training and jobs
- Handijob : for people with disabilities
- Jobstic : for digital professions
- JobIRL : for young people aged 15 to 30. An association mentoring program is also on offer.
Specific audiences
For women
The Hérault CIDFF helps women find employment:
- Personalized support
- Help with training
- Counseling on professional and personal life
For young people (16-25 years)
La Mission Locale des jeunes de Montpellier helps you with:
- A personal advisor who follows you
- Advice on housing, transport, health
- Help to find a job
More than 10,000 young people are helped each year.
The 1jeune1solution set up by the State enables you to:
- Get to know about hiring aids
- Find a civic service volunteer mission
- Find an internship, a job, a sandwich course
For students
You can find help with:
- Looking for an internship
- Finding a summer job
- Getting career advice
Where to go?
- University guidance services (SCUIO)
- The CRIJ Occitanie (free, for under 30s)
- Youth information points in Montpellier
For people far from employment
The Ateliers et Chantiers d'Insertion (ACI) welcome you if:
- You have been looking for a job for a long time
- You have no qualifications
- You are disabled
- You receive RSA or other social benefits
Please make an appointment via the inclusion platform created by the State.
Where can I find more information?
On the internet:
- The France travail website
- L'emploi Store (to create a CV, prepare for interviews)
Near you :
All these services are offered free of charge.