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Find a job

How can I find a job in Montpellier and the surrounding area?

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and the City of Montpellier can help you find a job. Many organizations are here to help:

Job search events

Les Rencontres pour l'Emploi

This is a major event organized every year. You can meet companies that are recruiting and receive advice for your job applications

Other events

Specific audiences

For women

The Hérault CIDFF helps women find employment:

  • Personalized support
  • Help with training
  • Counseling on professional and personal life

For young people (16-25 years)

La Mission Locale des jeunes de Montpellier helps you with:

  • A personal advisor who follows you
  • Advice on housing, transport, health
  • Help to find a job

More than 10,000 young people are helped each year.

The 1jeune1solution set up by the State enables you to:

  • Get to know about hiring aids
  • Find a civic service volunteer mission
  • Find an internship, a job, a sandwich course

For students

You can find help with:

  • Looking for an internship
  • Finding a summer job
  • Getting career advice

Where to go?

For people far from employment

The Ateliers et Chantiers d'Insertion (ACI) welcome you if:

  • You have been looking for a job for a long time
  • You have no qualifications
  • You are disabled
  • You receive RSA or other social benefits

Please make an appointment via the inclusion platform created by the State.

Where can I find more information?

All these services are offered free of charge.

Discover also

Soutien à l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap

La Ville et la Métropole de Montpellier ont renouvelé leur conventionnement avec le FIPHFP (Fonds pour l'Insertion des Personnes Handicapées dans la Fonction Publique).

Aides à l'emploi pour les jeunes

Coaching, ateliers CV, et lettres de motivation, permanence juridique, aide financière au BAFA et au permis de conduire... La Ville de Montpellier, via son service Jeunesse, propose plusieurs dispositifs afin de faciliter l'obtention d'un emploi p...

Job offers

Join Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and the City of Montpellier, a dynamic and booming region! France's 7th largest city, Montpellier stands out for its commitment to innovation, soft mobility, local democracy and excellent local services.