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Montpellier Sports card

50 disciplines at €5 a year

Collective sports, gymnastics, weight training, judo, climbing, sailing, chess, mountain biking, nature outings...

The Montpellier Sports card gives access to more than 50 activities, supervised by sports educators from Montpellier's sports center and associations.

Valued at €5 per year, it is reserved for Montpellier residents.

What activities can you take part in?

The Montpellier sports card gives you access to all the activities supervised by the city's sports educators as part of the permanent program.

In addition, you can access all the activities offered by the school vacation sports camps program: over 50 free or preferentially-priced disciplines supervised by the team of municipal educators and partner Montpellier sports associations.

How do I get it?

4 documents (photocopies) to be provided

  • Proof of address proving that the holder lives in Montpellier ;
  • A statement on honor affirming that the individual has no medical and physical contraindications to the practice of proposed sports activities for the current year, or a photocopy of a sports license ;
  • Photo of identity ;
  • Parental authorization for minors ;
  • Attestation of civil liability insurance.

To note

The card is nominative and valid for one sporting year from September to September. It cannot be transferred or sold. No duplicates are issued.

For members of clubs de l'Âge d'Or, you will need to present your card for "Gym ville" and hiking registrations.

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