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First name change

Anyone can apply to change their first name. As of July 1, 2022, the Civil Code provides for a simplified procedure. It is no longer necessary to apply to the courts: the request is made to the Civil Status department at the town hall of one's place of residence or place of birth.

The procedure is fast and free, and does not require the assistance of a lawyer. First names can be added, deleted or reordered. You are required to justify a legitimate interest in the request. Here are a few examples of recognized reasons: a forename deemed ridiculous, pejorative, coarse or complex, the use of another forename in everyday life, transidentity or gender reassignment situations...

A person of legal age makes the request in his or her own name. For a minor, it is up to the legal representative to compile the file.

Please note: from the age of 13, the child's consent is mandatory.

The application is submitted to the Registrar for assessment. In some cases, a further interview or additional information may be required before the application can be considered by the commission. If the Registrar considers that the request does not have a legitimate interest, he or she must immediately refer the matter to the public prosecutor. If the latter opposes the name change, the applicant may refer the matter to the family affairs judge.

Once the request is accepted, the new forename is entered in the margin of the Civil Status records of the person (birth, marriage) and his/her children.

It is then necessary to contact the town hall of one's choice to request the renewal of one's Carte nationale d'Identité and passport, even if these were valid. It is forbidden to use documents that do not correspond to your civil status. In this case, renewal is free of charge, including for the passport.

Please note: don't forget to also apply to renew your driver's license and carte vitale.

If you were born or live in Montpellier, you can apply to change your first name at the town hall. The application must be submitted in person. You'll need to fill in the form below, and attach several supporting documents: identity documents, proof of address, as well as any evidence to justify the legitimate interest of the first name change (attestations, correspondence, medical certificates...).

Service attendance table

To avoid waiting too long, this table lets you know how busy the service is throughout the week. We recommend that you plan your visit or call during low-traffic periods. This information is provided for information only, and is not a guarantee of actual waiting times.

(coming soon)