I'm committed to the climate
The Ecological and Climate Transition is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. Everyone talks about it, but it can be complex to measure what's at stake. Yet these issues concern us all: so it's important to understand them.
Here are some useful resources for understanding the issue on a global and local scale.
As part of the Climate Plan adopted by the Metropole in February 2023, the Mission Transition Énergétique et Climatique is organizing a series of webinars. They aim to answer questions and preconceived ideas on the themes of climate and energy.
"At the heart of energy: debate on the energy mix"
What energies will be used in 2050? What horizons and scenarios for 2050?
"Objectif Plan Solaire 2050 : photovoltaics in question"
Understand the importance of deploying renewable energies on our territory and the real environmental impacts of photovoltaic solar power.
"What wood do I heat with? The impact of wood heating on the air and the forest"
Understand the challenges of wood heating in our region, the best practices to adopt and the public aid available.
Climate and energy transition players
L'ADEME, Agence de la Transition Écologique
L'ADEME is a public establishment committed to the fight against global warming and the degradation of resources. It aims to "accelerate the transition to a more sober and supportive society, one that creates jobs, is more humane and harmonious."
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Created in 1998, the IPCC brings together experts from 195 countries to pool scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change.
It produces assessment reports, which aim to guide decision-makers in their public policy choices, and inform the general public about the climate situation in France and around the world.
Tools for a better understanding of climate issues
Simulate my carbon footprint
A tool developed by ADEME and L'Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC) lets you estimate your annual carbon footprint in 10 minutes, based on broad categories (food, transport, housing, societal services...).
It also situates this footprint in relation to climate targets and suggests taking action, indicating personalized advice.
B.A.-BA of climate and biodiversity
"The B.A.-BA of climate and biodiversity" is a training course to acquire the fundamental knowledge on climate change and biodiversity.
Environmental associations
The Metropolitan area is home to numerous associations dedicated to preserving the environment. This rich and dynamic network works every day to safeguard our planet. Don't hesitate to get involved!
Les Shifters Languedoc-Roussillon
Les Shifters Languedoc-Roussillon is the local branch of the Shift Project. This movement's ambition is to "enlighten and influence the debate on the energy transition", and in particular the issues around carbon and energy.
The regional structure is organized around 4 main axes:
- Awareness-raising for the general public on energy-climate-decarbonation issues,
- Awareness-raising for elected representatives, civil servants and economic players,
- Awareness-raising for private-sector companies,
- Conducting greenhouse gas assessments on local development projects.
Media committed to the environment