I'm enrolling my child in school
This page concerns residents or future residents of the city of Montpellier.
Your child is about to start school in Montpellier, and we're delighted to welcome them!
First of all, you can find your area school here: https://perimscol.montpellier.fr/
Who's concerned?
- Children of school age.
- Children under 3 years of age - Tout petite section: the National Education system's facilities for enrolling children in the very youngest section are limited in number and located in priority education sectors. To find out about availability in your area, please contact your local school principal. It is the school management that informs the municipal services of this admission and carries out the school registration.
If it is not possible to admit the child to the local school, the child will not be redirected to another school. Parents may, however, apply for enrolment in a crèche or day nursery. - Family instruction : find out more from the DSDEN 34 : Family instruction in the Hérault department | Académie de Montpellier
- International section, CHAM, CHAD, UPEAA and ULIS schemes : follow the school enrolment procedure. Contact the DSDEN 34 to make your requests: Direction des services départementaux de l'éducation nationale de l'Hérault | Académie de Montpellier
When should I register my child?
- C1 registrations for children already attending school in Montpellier: registrations are held from January 6 to 24, 2025. Registration is not automatic. Missed the registration campaign? Apply for school registration for the coming school year from March 3. Your child is starting CP, but was not previously enrolled in Montpellier? Refer to the registration dates for the coming school year below.
- Current school year : all year round.
- School year 2025-2026 : from March 3 to 14, 2025.
Good to know:enrollment in a school is possible all year round under the same conditions.
Comment inscrire mon enfant ?
Inscription en CP pour les enfants déjà scolarisés à Montpellier
Attention, l'inscription n'est pas automatique pour les enfants déjà scolarisés à Montpellier. La campagne d'inscription au CP est terminée.
Vous avez manqué la campagne d’inscription ? Faites une demande d’inscription scolaire pour l’année scolaire à venir à partir du 3 mars en suivant la démarche ci-dessous :
How do I register my child?
School exemptions
Step 1: follow the school registration procedure to enroll your child in the local school.
Step 2: verify that the application meets one of the eligibility grounds:
- A sibling with an older child enrolled in a specific curriculum (CHAM, SI, ULIS...)
- Medical problems of parents or child compromising the child's schooling in his or her sector school
- Sibling reunification
- Complex schedules of parents
- Alternating custody situations between parents
- Complete list of reasons that may be subject to a derogation
Step 3: Respect the derogation request period from March 3 to March 28, 2025. Any file sent after this date will be considered out of time and will not be able to be examined.
Step 4: send your derogation request via online form
If you have difficulty completing this procedure, civic service volunteers will be available at local town halls and the town hall according to this duty schedule:
- Thursday March 6: Town Hall (Permanence Education - Entresol)
- Friday March 7: Local Town Hall Villon
- Thursday, March 13: Hôtel de ville (Permanence Education - Entresol)
- Friday March 14: Mairie de proximité Mosson
- Thursday, March 20: Hôtel de ville (Permanence Education - Entresol)
- Friday March 21: Tastavin Neighborhood Town Hall
- Thursday, March 27: Mairie de proximité Aubes Pompignane
- Friday March 28: Mairie de proximité Mosson
Step 5: once the files have been examined, you will be sent a reply by e-mail or post, depending on the format of your request.
IMPORTANT: No e-mail requests will be accepted. No derogation file will be examined during the year, outside the commission.
Demandes de dérogations en dehors de votre commune de résidence
- Vous habitez Montpellier et souhaitez demander une dérogation vers une école située en dehors de la commune : complétez le formulaire « Demande de dérogation hors commune » et retournez-le par mail à cartescolaire@montpellier.fr
- Vous habitez en dehors de la commune de Montpellier et vous souhaitez y inscrire votre enfant : complétez le formulaire « Demande d’inscription hors commune » et retournez-le par mail à cartescolaire@montpellier.fr
Attention : n’oubliez pas de faire compléter l’encart réservé par votre commune de résidence. Sans cela, votre demande ne pourra être instruite.
Home schooling
Education is compulsory for all children aged 3 to 16. It is provided in public or private educational establishments.
It may exceptionally be provided in the family by the parents, by one of them or by any person of their choice, with prior authorization from the director of departmental services for national education (DASEN).