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Voting in Montpellier

What are the voting conditions?

4 conditions:

  • be registered on the electoral roll. People already registered on the City of Montpellier electoral roll, who have moved to another address in the commune, must request their change of address in order to vote in the polling station of their new domicile;
  • be French or a European citizen residing in France. European citizens can register on complementary electoral lists to vote in European and municipal elections;
  • be 18 years old by the day before the 1st round of voting, or turn 18 between the date of the 1st round and the day before the 2nd round, in order to be able to vote in the 2nd round;
  • enjoy their civil and political rights.

Register to vote

Internet registration

Your application will be received by INSEE, who will send it to the municipal services by electronic means.

If your application is complete and admissible a notification of registration on the electoral roll will be sent to you within 7 days of receipt of the electronic application by the service.

If the processing of your file requires additional information, you will be notified within 5 days by telephone or e-mail.

To be contacted more quickly, please enter your telephone number when you fill in the teleprocedure.

Physical registration

  • For French and European citizens: registration at City Hall
  • For French citizens only: registration at local town halls

Registration by post

Mairie de Montpellier
Service Elections
1 place Georges Frêche

  • French citizens

Join your request for registration or change of address on the electoral roll:

Citoyens français  : joindre votre demande d’inscription ou de changement d’adresse sur la liste électorale :

Application to register on the electoral roll

PDF - 294 KB
  • European citizens

You can choose to vote in municipal elections and/or European elections:

Application to register on the electoral roll for municipal elections

PDF - 292 KB

Application for entry on the electoral roll for the European elections

PDF - 275 KB
  • If your application is complete and admissible, you will be notified of your registration on the electoral roll within 7 days of receipt of your letter by the department.
  • If the processing of your application requires additional information, you will be notified within 5 days by telephone, e-mail or post.

In order for us to contact you more quickly, please indicate your telephone number and/or e-mail address on the CERFA form.


  • an identity document proving your nationality
  • a document (or several depending on your situation) proving either your domicile in the commune, your status as a commune taxpayer, or your status as manager or majority or sole shareholder of a company located in the commune.

French citizens: documents required

PDF - 94 KB

European citizens: documents required

PDF - 96 KB

Check your electoral roll registration

Inquire about your electoral situation:

Formulaire de radiation des listes consulaires

PDF - 504 KB

The electoral map

Presentation of a voter's card is not mandatory for voting. The presentation of an identity document is sufficient.

An electoral card is sent by post to each voter newly registered on the electoral roll, no later than three days before the date of the first round of an election.

All electoral cards not distributed by the postal services will be kept available for voters at polling stations on election day.

Identity documents accepted for voting

PDF - 105 KB

You notice a civil status error on your electoral card

It's up to INSEE to rectify it on the Répertoire National d'Identification des Personnes Physiques (RNIPP).

To do this,, in partnership with INSEE, has set up a simpler and faster online procedure for rectifying your civil status.

You'll need your social security number and a dematerialized birth certificate to make the online request. It is intended for people born in France only.

If you are unable to use this online service, you can make your request by post accompanied by a birth certificate and proof of identity to the address below:

INSEE Pays de la Loire
Pôle RFD
105 rue des Français Libres
BP 67401

Please note, if you were born abroad, in New Caledonia or in Wallis and Futuna, you must contact the organization that manages your social rights (pension fund, mutual insurance company, social security, etc.) or the town hall, where you will be able to register.) or the town hall, where the request for modification will be forwarded to INSEE.

Voting by proxy

Power of attorney and proxy

Any voter can exercise their right to vote by proxy. Since 2020, it is no longer necessary to provide proof.

The person giving the proxy (principal) must:

  • prove his or her identity by presenting an identity document;
  • know the surname, first names, date of birth and national voter number

The proxy (the person receiving the proxy) is entitled to:

  • one proxy drawn up in France or
  • one proxy drawn up in France and one drawn up outside France or two proxies drawn up outside France.

It is the principal's responsibility to inform his or her proxy. On the day of the vote, the proxy will simply have to provide proof of his or her identity.

Apply for a proxy online

  1. Go to and authenticate yourself via FranceConnect.
  2. Enter your proxy application.
  3. Go to a gendarmerie brigade or police station to have your proxy validated.
  4. Once you've received confirmation by e-mail that your proxy has been validated by the police and the town hall, inform your proxy that he or she will be able to go to your polling station to vote in your place.

You can make a proxy online on the government website:

New: 100% digital proxy voting with France Identité

With the new "France Identité" application, a new public service, you can now vote by proxy without going to the police station, gendarmerie or judicial court.

Apply for a power of attorney via the Cerfa form

  1. Print out and complete the Cerfa form for requesting a power of attorney (.pdf)
  2. Go to a gendarmerie brigade or police station to have your power of attorney validated.
  3. Once you've received e-mail confirmation that your proxy has been validated by the police and the town hall, inform your proxy that he or she will be able to go to your polling station to vote in your place.

Validating your proxy request

To validate your proxy request, you can go:

  • To the Tribunal Judiciaire : Cité Méditerranée - 9 rue Tarragone - Tél : 04-34-08-31-42
  • At the Hôtel de Police Nationale : 206 rue Comté de Melgueil - Tél : 04-99-13-50-00
  • Au commissariat de Police Nationale de la place de la Comédie : Allée Jules Milhaud - Tél : 04-86-94-97-30

If the principal is unable to travel (illness, infirmity)

Persons who are unable to travel due to serious illness or infirmity must send a written request accompanied by a medical certificate to:

Services de Police de proximité (procurations de vote) - Hôtel de Police
206 rue Comté de Melgueil
34000 Montpellier
Telephone: 04 99 13 50 00

A judicial police officer or delegate will come to the home of the person concerned.

For certain disabilities or infirmities, the medical certificate may be replaced by a copy of a supporting document.

The interested party will contact the local Police Services to find out the precise list according to his or her situation.

Power of attorney validity period

The validity period may be:

  • limited to a single ballot (first and second round or a single round)
  • fixed for a maximum period of one year

Formulaire de demande de vote par procuration

PDF - 141 KB
  1. Rendez-vous dans une brigade de gendarmerie ou un commissariat de police pour faire valider votre procuration.
  2. Une fois que vous avez reçu la confirmation par courriel que votre procuration est validée par les forces de l’ordre et la mairie, informez votre mandataire qu’il pourra se rendre dans votre bureau de vote pour voter à votre place.

Faire valider votre demande de procuration

Pour faire valider votre demande de procuration, vous pouvez vous rendre :

  • Au Tribunal Judiciaire : Cité Méditerranée - 9 rue Tarragone  - Tél : 04-34-08-31-42
  • À l'hôtel de Police Nationale : 206 rue Comté de Melgueil - Tél : 04-99-13-50-00
  • Au commissariat de Police Nationale Centre : 6 Rue Jules Ferry  - Tél : 04-86-94-97-30 

Si le mandant est dans l'impossibilité de se déplacer (maladie, infirmité)

Les personnes qui ne peuvent pas se déplacer en raison de maladies ou d’infirmités graves doivent adresser une demande écrite accompagnée d’une attestation sur l’honneur de non possibilité de se déplacer à :

Services de Police de proximité (procurations de vote) – Hôtel de Police
206 rue Comté de Melgueil
34000 Montpellier
Téléphone : 04 99 13 50 00

Un officier de police judicaire ou un délégué se déplacera au domicile de l’intéressé.

Durée de validité de la procuration

La durée de validité peut être :

  • limitée à un seul scrutin (premier et deuxième tour ou un seul tour)
  • fixée pour une durée maximale d'un an pour les procurations effectuées en France

To remember

  • The person granting power of attorney (the principal) freely designates the person who will vote in his or her place (the proxy).
  • Since January 1, 2022, principal and proxy no longer need to be registered on the same electoral roll, but travel to the principal's polling station remains mandatory.
  • No provision of the electoral code sets a deadline for the establishment of voting proxies. Proxies can be drawn up at any time. However, for your proxy to be valid on polling day, you must first travel to have your identity verified before an authorized authority (police officer, gendarme or agent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The proxy must then be registered by the commune or consulate where you vote, so that your proxy's name can be entered on the voters' list.

If you wish to issue a proxy for an upcoming election, we recommend that you do so as soon as possible.

Carte des bureaux de vote

Les bureaux de vote ouvrent de 8h à 20h. Merci de privilégier les heures creuses : 10h-13h30 et 15h30-18h.

Relocation of polling stations

Since January 2022, several polling stations have been moved or created:

  • Polling station 90: new location: école maternelle Cervantès, 91, rue Charles Bonaparte
  • Polling station 100: new location: Berthe Morisot elementary school ,60 avenue d' Assas
  • Office 102: transferred from Berthe Morisot school to Gymnase Bernard Jouanique
  • Office 123: transferred from Cheng-Du school to Joan Miro school

Transfer of part of the electorate

  • Part of the electorate of office 25 E Jules Verne elementary school: transferred to Office 138 Gymnase Les Arts
  • Part of the electorate of office 131 E François Mitterrand elementary school: transferred to Bureau 139 Ecole maternelle Marguerite Yourcenar

Montpellier polling station map

Polling station map by district

View full screen

Polling station map by canton

View full screen

Citizen census

Citizen registration is a compulsory administrative procedure to be carried out by every young French person within 3 months of turning 16. After this deadline, the young person must complete it as a regularization, and this before his or her 25th birthday.

The purpose of this procedure is:

  • To be automatically registered on the electoral rolls
  • To be included on the list of those counted and to be invited to the Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC) before his or her 18th birthday by his or her National Service center.
  • To obtain a first supporting document: the census attestation. This document is generally required for certain procedures, such as registering for exams, accompanied driving, the code or the driving license.

Montpellier, 7th largest city in France

Montpellier has a population of 300,000 (population data as at 1ᵉʳ January 2017 effective as at 1ᵉʳ January 2020 - Source Insee)

Since then, Montpellier's population has grown by an average of 2,000 people each year between 1990 and 1999, then 2,254 between 1999 and 2012.

Population growth is continuing and increasing, necessitating the creation of new residential districts (Malbosc, Jardins de la Lironde, Port Marianne, Grisette, Ovalie, Parc Marianne...) and public facilities (schools, crèches, town halls, Maisons Pour Tous...) to meet residents' expectations.

Montpellier is an attractive and dynamic city, popular with students and researchers for its universities and research centers (INRA, CIRAD, Agropolis, CNRS...).

Montpellier is also popular with working people and retirees for its climate, cultural life and festivals (link to page vivre ici > se cultiver).

Dynamic and attractive, Montpellier's assets have made it France's 7th largest city as of January 1, 2018.

A sharp increase in the 1960s

Montpellier's population flow, which had long been fed by neighboring départements, saw a sharp increase in the 1960s with the arrival of pieds-noirs. Some 30,000 of them settled in the area.

The establishment of IBM in 1965, and the development of regional administrations, also contributed to the demographic dynamism.

Between 1962 and 1975, the population of Montpellier rose from 123,000 to 196,000, representing annual growth of over 4%. At the time, this was the strongest increase recorded in France.

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