I would like to enroll my child in the canteen and extracurricular activities
This page is exclusively for residents of the city of Montpellier.
Register your child
Child registration is mandatory before attending canteens and after-school care.
Step 1: opening up rights to services
School registration with the PREST'O Service opens up rights to the "PREST'O" family portal, which allows you to:
- Book extracurricular services (morning and evening care) and school catering,
- Manage and consult bookings,
- Pay bills,
- Modify diet, etc.
Step 2: finalizing admission to the school's services
To finalize admission, the following must be submitted to the school's extracurricular educational manager (REP): the admission form, information on the persons authorized to pick up the child, the insurance certificate and the health form. The school management contacts the REP.
Canteen rates
Since 2023, the City of Montpellier has introduced a fairer and more supportive progressive pricing system in its public schools for school meals and after-school care.
Everyone pays according to their means: the rate is based on the family quotient calculated by the CAF according to income and the number of people in your household.
This pricing system enables faster updating in the event of a change in circumstances. The city continues to cover a very significant share of the cost of these essential public services. So, for example, the cost of the lunch break (meal and supervision) is €12 for the City.
School catering rates
With the reform, 2/3 of families have seen their rates fall despite a rise in food prices, thanks to the City's continued effort and reinforced solidarity between families.
Fares range from €1.35 to €6.55, depending on the family quotient.
€0.50 pricing for families in great precariousness
In 2020, the City has introduced €0.50 pricing per meal for families in great precariousness: single parents (lone parents) and RSA recipients, homeless parents or refugees.
Single-parent families (single parents) in receipt of RSA
The following conditions must be cumulatively met:
- Be declared a "single parent" on the last tax assessment or with the CAF for CAF recipients;
- Perceive the revenu de solidarité active (RSA)
Justificatives requested:
- The latest CAF allowance mentioning RSA and single parent allowance
- And/or the latest tax notice mentioning single parent
Families in great difficulty
You have:
- the state medical aid (AME) affiliation card or
- the asylum application certificate issued by OFII or
- the standard social emergency pricing certificate issued by a social worker.
After-school rates
With the reform, more than 2/3 of families will see their ALAE (Accueil de Loisirs Associé à l'Ecole) fees maintained or reduced.
The new fee schedule applies to morning care and the 2nd hour of evening care.
The 1st hour of evening care remains free in order to ensure public and secular school support for the success of all Montpellier students.
Where can I find my family quotient?
- You are affiliated to the CAF
Your family quotient is automatically transmitted to Prest'O services.
You only need to inform Prest'O services of any change in CAF number or name attached to the CAF file by sending your updated certificate.
If your situation changes (new child, marriage, divorce, hiring, job loss), your family quotient will evolve.
Approach CAF services as soon as possible so that your new situation can be taken into account to calculate your new family quotient.
Inform the Prest'O services of your change of situation so that your rate is updated from the date of information from the CAF services.
- You are not affiliated to the CAF
Apply to the Prest'O service, which calculates the CAF family quotient on the basis of proof of resources and family composition.
If your situation changes, you can contact the Prest'O service directly, who will inform you of the supporting documents you need to present to take your new situation into account and update your rate.
I reserve
Reservations are required for after-school care and meals.
Booking information
Je réserve pour
Toute l'année
Au guichet PREST’O de l'Hôtel de Ville, du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30 et le jeudi de 10h à 19h.
Chaque période
Je réserve dans les guichets PRESTO de l'Hôtel de Ville ou dans les mairies de proximité
Periods for booking at the local town hall:
- School start - All Saints' vacation: booking from Monday August 19 to September 1, 2024 (only online or at the town hall)
- Christmas - Christmas: booking from Monday October 7 to Friday October 18, 2024
- Christmas - February: booking from Monday December 9 to Friday December 20, 2024
- February - Easter: booking from Monday February 3 to Friday February 14, 2025
- Easter - Summer: booking from Monday March 31 to Friday April 11, 2025.
Something unexpected?
I haven't booked or I want to cancel my booking
You can make changes up to 10 days in advance on the portail famille PREST'O or at the PREST'O counter at l'Hôtel de Ville. After this deadline, payment for services (extracurricular time and catering) is due and a penalty may apply.
At the school restaurant, your child will be able to have lunch, but a vegetarian menu will be served and the meal will be increased by €2, unless you have been able to justify one of the accepted exceptional situations.
Exceptions:Any requests for additions or cancellations out of time (i.e. before 10 days) will be exceptionally accepted in certain situations (e.g.: arrival during the year, APC enrolment during the period, change of arrangements for children with disabilities, hospitalization, change of family or professional situation, etc.), and subject to transmission of supporting documents to service PREST'O (by e-mail, post or at the PREST'O counter at City Hall).
My child is absent
Attendance is compulsory at periscolaire time reserved to enable the organization of quality activities and at the canteen to avoid food waste. In the event of absence, services (extracurricular time and canteen) are due, unless the absence is justified.
After 3 unjustified absences per child and per year, the meal will be billed and increased by €1.50. This measure has been introduced to combat food waste.
I confirm my presence with My card
Passing "Ma Carte" at the kiosk, located in the school, is compulsory every morning to gain access to school catering and extracurricular activities.
Given free of charge, this card is both a tool in favor of safety and against food waste. It will enable you to set your child's specific dietary requirements and register your child's attendance (when passing through the school terminal) at paid activities:
- Morning reception 7:45 - 8:30 (paid without reservation)
- Cantine (paid with reservation)
- Evening reception 5:30 - 6:30 (paid without reservation)
In the event of loss : it must be reported to Service PRESTO by email or at the PRESTO counter at the Town Hall. In the event of damage or loss, it will be replaced and charged €10.
In the event of departure (change of neighborhood, moving...): your child will keep it until the end of elementary school, even if he or she moves to another neighborhood. If you leave Montpellier, you'll return it to your child's school or to the PREST'O counter at the Town Hall.
- Childcare and meals are paid for by monthly invoices.
- Payments are due on receipt of monthly invoices.
- Invoices are made available on the PREST'O family portal and can be paid on this portal or at PREST'O counters, at the Town Hall, or in local town halls.
Invoice-related complaint: address to PREST'O Service by e-mail within 2 months of the invoice issue date.
Need digital support?
- Go to the Espace Gisèle Halimi, 35 rue de la Haye 34080 Montpellier. Tel. 04 67 40 72 72
- Need more information? Contact Presto on 04 34 88 78 98 or by email.