An online platform for all your procedures

Make an appointment to obtain an identity card or passport, enroll in a kindergarten or elementary school, apply for a building permit, report a faulty fire or a water cut, find out about public transport, book an appointment for a bulky goods collection... These procedures can now be carried out online on the for services provided by the metropole and on for services provided by the city of Montpellier
These platforms make it possible to save time and make requests online without having to travel.
A one-stop shop in every town hall
Inhabitants who prefer human contact and assistance with their administrative formalities can speak directly to the municipal agents of the 31 communes and metropolitan agents.
The aim of these one-stop shops: to simplify formalities, improve the accessibility and quality of services, and facilitate user-administration relations.
One-stop shop procedures
Etat-civil & Elections
- Make an appointment for anfor identity card/passport
- Register on the electoral roll
- Order a birth/marriage/death certificate
- Register for nursery or primary school
- Register for school canteen
- Register for extracurricular activities
- Register for daycare
- Register for crèche
- Apply for a Pass Métropole card
- Apply for a certificat d'urbanisme d'urbanisme
- Filing an application for planning permission
- Faire une déclaration préalable de travaux
- Reporting a signage defect on the ground, a defective traffic light, a blocked drain grate, a hole in the pavement, a clogged sidewalk...
- Report a bulky deposit on the public highway, a wild tag, a defect in public lighting, a damaged bench, a defective sprinkler system
- Request a composter
- Book an appointment for a bulky item collection
- Consult collection days
- Report a collection anomaly
- Report a sewer backup, a water leak, a water cut
- Find out about Réseau Tam
- Find out about Hérault Transport
Metropolisregister for the crèche
Pass Métropole
Public spaces
Water & Sanitation
Public transport