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Hospitality certificates

The attestation d'accueil is a secure official document issued by the town hall. It is compulsory to host a foreign national from a non-European Union member state, for private or family stays. Its duration may not exceed 90 days.

Please note: the "attestation d'accueil" will be required for the visa to be issued. It is therefore necessary to anticipate this request.

Application form

The attestation d'accueil can be obtained on request from the town hall where the person is staying. A file must be completed by the host who will be welcoming the person concerned into their home.

A pre-application form is to be filled in, specifying the identity of the person being hosted and the host, as well as various information concerning the accommodation, family ties... The same form can concern a hosted family (spouses, children).

Several supporting documents must also be provided:

  • Proof of identity;
  • Recent proof of address;
  • Deed of ownership or rental lease mentioning the surface area of the accommodation;
  • Proof of income for the last three months, as well as the latest tax notice;
  • Full details of the person being accommodated;
  • If the minor is unaccompanied by his or her parents, a certificate from the persons exercising parental authority;
  • The traveler's passport number;
  • Insurance: the applicant must specify the health insurance conditions covering the hosted person's stay.

If the originals are not presented, or the file is incomplete, the request cannot be received.

Filing a complete application requires the purchase of a €30 dematerialized tax stamp. If the application is not validated, this amount will not be reimbursed.

Please note: the period indicated must correspond precisely to that of the planned stay. The request must be handwritten and contain no erasures.

Submission of applications is by appointment at the Town Hall and in the annex and local town halls.

You have already booked an appointment and would like to change or cancel it?


Any person residing in France, of French or foreign nationality, can submit an application.

The issuance of an attestation d'accueil is subject to compliance with certain criteria:

  • Surface area: the accommodation must meet a minimum surface area threshold to ensure decent accommodation conditions. This threshold varies according to the number of occupants.
  • Income: the issue of this attestation also assumes that the applicant's household has sufficient income to accommodate the visitor. This amount is subject to a precise calculation, in accordance with article R.434-4 of the Code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile.


In some cases, it is not necessary to obtain an attestation d'accueil: person already holding a visa, travel on the occasion of a funeral, travel as part of cultural or solidarity projects...


The processing of the application for the attestation d'accueil takes 10 days after the submission of the complete file.

Once the application has been validated, the applicant will be informed, and invited to collect the document from the town hall, without an appointment. He or she must then send the attestation to the traveler. This includes information on the host and the person hosted, the characteristics of the accommodation and the conditions of insurance.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact the Direction de la Communication, Pôle multimédia, Hôtel de Ville, 1 place Georges Frêche 34267 Montpellier Cedex 2.

Service attendance table

To avoid waiting too long, this table lets you know how busy the service is throughout the week. We recommend that you plan your visit or call during low-traffic periods. This information is given for information only, and is not a guarantee of actual waiting.

(Coming soon)