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Civil sponsorship

Civil sponsorship, also known as civil baptism or republican christening, is a secular, symbolic act of citizenship. Its purpose is to designate a Republican godmother and godfather, who will accompany the child as he or she enters the community.

This sponsorship is not provided for by any text, so it has no legal value. Nevertheless, sponsors must be of legal age. This is a moral commitment on their part, which will not be recorded in the civil registry, but is intended to express a particular attachment to the family and the child.

In front of an elected municipal official, the godparents will be asked to confirm their commitment to supporting the child. They will then be invited to sign a certificate of civil sponsorship, a document that also has symbolic value.

Place of ceremony

In Montpellier, civil sponsorships can be celebrated in the city's two ceremony halls: Harvey-Milk at Hôtel-de-Ville and Domaine de Grammont.

As with weddings, slots are available every day in both halls from May to September. The rest of the year, sponsorships are held at Salle Harvey-Milk on weekdays and at Grammont on weekends.

Slots can be booked between one and 10 months in advance. If you book well in advance, you're sure to get the day of your choice.

Beware: in high season, the Domaine de Grammont hall is more in demand than the Hôtel de Ville.

Application for civil sponsorship

The celebration of a civil sponsorship is only possible if one of the parents is domiciled in Montpellier.

To proceed with the request, please complete the file to be downloaded opposite.

Pièces à fournir

  • Dossier complété (à télécharger ci-contre) ; 
  • Pièces d’identité des parents, de l’enfant, des parrains et marraines ;
  • Un justificatif de domicile des parents.