A team of 25 people, mainly from the sports and entertainment sectors of the local civil service, is mobilizing at the City of Montpellier.
Objective: to bring the most remote audiences, such as seniors, children, residents of priority districts of the City policy (QPV), people with disabilities and the female public, closer to sporting practice.
275 sports facilities
Everyone can practice their favorite sports and discover new ones in the 275 municipal sports facilities present in every neighborhood.
Highlights throughout the year

Olympic days during school time, meetings with top athletes, introductions, Montpellier Sports card, exhibitions, financial support....
Many actions are offered throughout the year, on extracurricular, school and extracurricular times and during one-off events.
Montpellier Sports card

Thanks to the Montpellier Sports card, the City of Montpellier offers a full range of free sporting activities and courses (excluding end-of-year vacations) throughout the year and during school vacations.
Collective sports, gymnastics, weight training, judo, climbing, sailing, chess, mountain biking, nature outings... Beneficiaries can access more than 50 disciplines supervised by Ville sports educators and associations as part of the permanent program.
"Summer Neighborhoods" for 7- to 16-year-olds

Because every summer in France, 1 in 4 children don't go on vacation, Montpellier is joining forces with the national "Été Quartiers" program, so that sport and culture strengthen links and social cohesion.
In partnership with some 20 local sports associations, this program offers free or reduced-price courses. It thus enables young people who don't go on vacation to take part in a variety of activities close to home.
The Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole swimming pool network

Every year, over 90 sporting events are organized in all the piscines in the network, contributing to the promotion of the Metropole's image and reputation, as well as to local economic development, services and tourism.
A multitude of offers for all publics
For the general public
- Opening hours: wide-open facilities
- Entertainment: 35 different activities offered each year since 2013
- Weekly classes: 230 classes per week welcoming nearly 2,000 people
- Free events: over a hundred events throughout the year, with specific themes (giant Christmas aquagyms, drowning prevention, etc.)
- General interest actions: in partnership with local clubs (BNSSA solidaire, "J'apprends à nager" and "Aisance Aquatique" schemes, Telethon, etc.).)
- Summer courses for young people: weekly courses in local neighborhoods with "Été quartiers" sports programs at a cost of €1 per day
For schoolchildren
Learning to swim:
- Objective: that all pupils attending elementary school in the area benefit from free sessions of learning to swim with a view to obtaining the "savoir nager" competency when they enter the 6th grade.
- Supervision: more than 90 sports educators from the Metropole
- Participants: 850 classes for more than 20,000 pupils each year
- Statistics: 271 hours of occupation per week of the pools, i.e. nearly 7,600 hours annually
For associations
- Financial support: more than €800,000 granted
- Slot availability: 3,000 weekly slots
- Support for competitions: free use of pools for local, national and international competitions
- Events: €250,000 for hosting sporting events