Deaths and concessions
Death: declaration rules
Any person of legal age, whether a relative of the deceased or not, can make a declaration of death.
He/she must present:
- the medical certificate confirming the death;
- the up-to-date family record book or a recent copy of the birth certificate;
- the most complete and accurate information possible on the deceased: his/her profession, marital status, address and any parental situation.
The declaration of death must be madeat the latest 24 hours after the medical finding.It is registered at the town hall of the commune where the death occurred.
Authorizations for post-mortem operations will only be issued on presentation of the medical certificate of the finding of death, the completed authorization applications and the funeral company's authorization.
Funeral arrangements
Choosing the funeral method
Inhumation or cremation? It is recommended that you express your choice during your lifetime, in writing. If the deceased had not indicated his or her wishes, the decision is made by the person "empowered to provide for the funeral". This is a person permanently linked to the deceased, such as a spouse or pacsé partner, parent or child.
The funeral must take place between 24 hours and 6 days after the death. The time limit starts on entry of the body into France if death occurred abroad or in an overseas territory.
The funeral, transport and ceremonies take place in agreement with the municipal service and the funeral operator, taking into account the constraints of organizing the funeral convoy.
It requires a written declaration from the deceased or the person authorized to provide for the funeral. It is authorized in compliance with the prohibitions written on the medical death certificate. Cremation must be carried out with a coffin.
The person authorized to provide for the funeral submits a request to the Cemetery Administration department. The department verifies the deceased's rights and the validity of the family plot.
A commune is obliged to offer free burial in common ground, for 5 years, to accommodate people who died on its territory or lived there.
Choosing a funeral operator
The choice of funeral operator is free. To help families, Montpellier Metropole funeral services can provide a full list of operators and funeral homes in Hérault, available from Montpellier City Hall.
Organizing a religious ceremony
The deceased has requested a religious funeral, or his family wants to organize a religious ceremony.
- First scenario: the family can organize the religious funeral and contact a religious representative. To ensure the coordination of all parties involved, the day and time of the religious funeral must be agreed with the funeral operator.
- Second case scenario:the family has no direct contact with a religious representative. The service providers responsible for organizing the funeral will make the contacts and take care of the arrangements.
Note that Jewish and Muslim confessional squares exist in the Saint-Lazare and Saint-Étienne cemeteries.
Montpellier cemeteries

Saint-Étienne and Métropolitain cemeteries
Concessions: key information
A plot is "family": this means that it can accommodate all the direct descendants of the plot's founder.
Inhumation in an existing concession
To bury a person in a concession in a Montpellier cemetery, you need to provide the deed of ownership or any information enabling you to locate it, such as the date of death of a person buried in the concession.
Acquiring a concession: types and capacities
Any resident of the commune can acquire a concession, or a columbarium cell, depending on availability.
The City of Montpellier offers different types of concession:
- An "open-ground" concession, 2.50 m deep, which can accommodate around 3 coffins.
- A concession in a vault. The number of burials possible depends on the capacity of the vault built by the concession holder.
Several documents are required to purchase a concession:
- a proof of address (telephone or electricity bill);
- an identity document and the family record book.
Payments are accepted by bank card or cheque made payable to the Cemetery Registrar.
The funeral concession contract
The funeral concession contract is an administrative contract for occupation of the public domain. This contract is signed between the commune and the concession holder. The grave is private property. The owner has a right of use, but also obligations, on pain of penalty.
What to do if the plot is filled to capacity?
It is possible to request authorization for a "body reduction". This involves gathering the bones of the deceased in a smaller coffin - the reliquary - to make room for a new coffin. Applications are made to the Cemetery Administration department. Authorization is issued after obtaining the written agreement of all next-of-kin of the deceased to be exhumed.
Erecting a monument on the plot
With a declaration of work issued by the Cemetery Administration department, the plot holder or his beneficiaries can choose a marble mason.
Obligation d'entretien
The concession holder and his heirs must ensure normal maintenance of the plot. This involves cleaning the grave at least once a year, to respect the order and decency of the cemetery. Avoid any possible danger associated with the grave, for example due to a sagging monument or sharp metal surround.
Renewal, expiry and abandonment
After checking the expiry date, renewal for a new period of 5, 10, 15, 30 or 50 years is always granted at the request of families, from the expiry date of the original concession. Temporary concessions may only be renewed in the year of expiry. Applications may be received up to 2 years after the expiry date. Beyond that date, the commune may dispose of the plot.
Anyone may request and proceed with the renewal of a concession. Whoever the person may be, the plot remains allocated to the original concession-holder. Burial rights remain unchanged for descendants.
A letter to the family informs them that the plot has reached its expiry date. If the plot is abandoned, the family must return the declaration of abandonment enclosed with the letter.
People in precarious situations
The City of Montpellier may provide support to families on presentation of a certificate of precariousness issued by the Centre communal d'action sociale (CCAS). Assistance takes into account the financial situation (solvency) of the deceased and his or her family.