I want to join the Citizens' Reserve
Created in 2021, the Réserve Communale de Sécurité Civile (RCSC) is made up of Montpellier residents, men and women, adults and volunteers called upon to be regularly mobilized by the City.
From prevention to crisis management, their missions contribute to raising awareness of major risks (rain-flood, heatwave, fire, extreme cold, pandemic...) and to intervening in support of the services called upon in the event of an event of exceptional dimension.
A commitment to solidarity within everyone's reach

You may already have come across them, dressed in their orange outfits, at certain large-scale events or in your neighborhood.
Since June 2021, at the City's initiative, 64 volunteer volunteers have been working with the population, complementing the civil security services, in the prevention and management of major events (rain-flood, extreme cold-snow-ice, drought-fire, heatwave..)
Trained to deal with risks in their various dimensions, reservists are initially tasked with disseminating preventive information to Montpellier residents and raising their awareness of the gestures to adopt.
They can also intervene at major gatherings such as the July 14th or the Fête de la Musique, in support of the Previsional Emergency Response System. They can also contribute to supporting the services and the population, in the event of the occurrence of a major event.
4 questions about the Citizens' Reserve
For any further questions, please write to: reserve.communale@montpellier.fr
Call for entries
You are a Montpellier resident, of legal age and a volunteer to join the Montpellier Communal Civil Security Reserve?
Please fill in the form below along with the following scanned documents:
- Curriculum vitae
- Copy of both sides of an identity document (national identity card or passport for EU nationals) or a copy of a valid residence permit valid for more than 10 years
- Proof of address less than one year old (last income tax assessment or certificate of non-taxation or current council tax or recent certificate of home insurance or a rent receipt or water bill, electricity, gas, telephone (landline, internet box))
- Police record number 3
Subject to acceptance of your application, you will then be invited by the City of Montpellier to take part in a videoconference interview.
Citizens' reserve application form
The application file can also be collected from the reception desk at Montpellier Town Hall and returned by post to:
Pôle des Sécurités et de la Tranquillité Publique, Mission sécurité civile, Réserve communale de sécurité civile, Mairie de Montpellier
1, place Georges Frêche - 34267 MONTPELLIER cedex 2
Any incomplete or illegible file will not be examined.