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Biodiversity observation networks

The City of Montpellier is setting up numerous biodiversity observation programs, in order to become an expert in the field.

Treasures from my garden

To better understand the role played by private gardens within the ecological network, Montpellier is launching the "Trésors de mon jardin" scheme. To take part, all you have to do is visit a private garden, and follow 4 steps:

  • Describe: make your own garden identity sheet by filling in the online form.
  • Observe: as the seasons go by, learn to recognize the species of the participatory surveys and share your discoveries on the website
  • Open up the garden: naturalist experts come and carry out in-depth inventories in certain gardens for half a day.
  • Act: following the inventories we exchange advice and recommendations with residents. Find action sheets on the website.

Vigie Nature

Vigie Nature is a participatory science program open to all. The program makes observatories accessible to everyone, novices and experts alike. The opportunity to observe butterflies, snails, birds, bumblebees, or a few wild plants.

Tela Botanica, the online notebook for botanical observations

By identifying and photographing the flora around you, you can help build the biodiversity atlas. Tela Botanica is a participatory tool that allows you to enter and organize your data and photographs. All data collected can be reused free of charge.


Garden Biodiversity Observatory: set up by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, the Noé association and the Estuaire associative group, you can contribute to a better understanding of the little beasts in your garden.

Season Observatory: this is a program based on voluntary observation of seasonal rhythms. In this way, you can collect data to better understand the impact of climate change on ecosystems.

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