Golden Age Club activities
The Centre Communal d'Action Social (CCAS) de Montpellier offers a wide variety of activities, sporting and cultural activities and outings to all Âge d'Or members in possession of the Âge d'Or card, which must be updated every year.
Renew your Âge d'Or card
The Âge d'Or card gives you access to all the activities of the Âge d'Or clubs. It costs €5 for members of groups 3 and 4. It is free for members of groups 1 and 2. It must be renewed every year.
Places to renew your card:
Documents required (paper or dematerialized version):
- A proof of address less than 3 months old (EDF bill, gas bill, landline telephone bill, Internet service provider...)
- Your income tax notice for the current year
Rates for Golden Age Club activities
Groupe 1
Groupe 2
Groupe 3
Groupe 4
Activités artistiques - loisirs
Activités physiques et gymniques
Natation loisir : tarif unique de 40€
Soins esthétiques : 3 € / séance
Bingo rates
- €1 per box
- €1.50 per 2 boxes
- €2.50 per 3 boxes
- €3 per 4 boxes
- €4 per 5 boxes
- €4.50 per 6 boxes
- €5.50 per 7 boxes
- €7.50 per 10 boxes
Montpellier sports card
The Montpellier sports card costs 5€. You'll need it to take part in gymnastics activities in Maison pour tous, in some gyms, in swimming pools, to take part in hiking and Nordic and active walks.
How to get it?
- Have an up-to-date Âge d'Or card
- Show up at one of the Maisons pour tous issuing it with:
- A medical certificate of sporting fitness
- A civil insurance certificate
- A passport photo
- Show up at the site of the chosen activity
General conditions: the Montpellier sports card is nominative. It cannot be transferred or sold. No duplicates will be issued. It is required for all activities organized by the sports department. It is reserved for Montpellier residents.