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I'm looking for childcare

With the highest demographic growth on a national scale, the city of Montpellier faces the challenge of accommodating its ever-increasing number of new residents. To meet the growing need for childcare for toddlers, the municipality has set itself the ambitious target of creating 300 crèche places by the end of 2026.

There are different types of childcare, adapted to the needs of young children:

  • Individual childcare, provided by a licensed childminder, independent or working in a Service d'Accueil Familial (family crèche) or a Maison d'Assistantes maternelles.
  • Group childcare, in an establishment with a group of children: municipal, parental, associative or private crèches, micro-crèches.

All these types of childcare, whether public or private, are placed under the control of the departmental Maternal and Child Protection service, which checks their operating conditions.