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Help to rent your shared accommodation

In Montpellier, almost 50% of tenants in private housing are eligible for social housing. Given this situation, the Metropole of Montpellier is encouraging the development of low-rent housing in the local private housing stock via the national "Loc'Avantages" agreement scheme.

Solidarity housing principles

  • Landlord's commitment: a landlord's commitment is to rent out his or her property to households whose resources do not exceed certain ceilings (see FAQ), and to make an effort to ensure that the rent charged remains affordable for the tenant.
  • In return for these efforts, the landlord benefits from a tax reduction, or even bonuses or subsidies depending on the rental method chosen and the work carried out.

Aid from the Agence nationale d'amélioration de l'habitat (ANAH) is awarded by Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and supplemented by subsidies from its own budget.

For a simulation of your tax reduction and possible rents:

Help and tax breaks

Your home is empty? Re-let your home at a price in line with the average income of Metropolitan France's residents. By showing solidarity, you benefit from aid and, in all cases, a tax reduction.

3 scenarios:

  • I don't need to carry out any work in my home, I can benefit from a tax reduction
  • I want to carry out work in my home first: the Metropole helps me finance it
  • I entrust my home to an approved association to simplify management and be secure, while benefiting from additional bonuses (with or without work)

Setting the scene

1st case study: apartment with 69m² of living space

  • No work planned
  • Annual tax reduction: €4,209.74 (65%)
  • Rent: Loc'3 - €539.71

2nd case study: T3 apartment of 53m² with major work

  • Amount of work: 29,486.27€ HT
  • Subsidies: €22,492 (ANAH €13,269 + Métropole €9,223)
  • Annual tax reduction: from €2,303.95 to €2,633.09
  • Remainder to be financed: €9,570, i.e. 17 months' rent or 4 years' tax reduction.

3rd scenario: 37 sq.m. two-bedroom apartment rented from an agency

  • No work planned
  • Annual tax reduction: €2,081.47
  • Premiums (for the entire term of the agreement): €2,000
  • Rent: Loc'2 - €433.64/month

For any questions about the assistance provided by the Metropole of Montpellier to rent out your home: / 04 67 34 71 00

Frequently asked questions

  • Tax reduction of 15% to 65% depending on whether you entrust your home to an association, and the rent level selected.
  • Bonuses of between €1,000 and €4,000 depending on whether you entrust your home to an association, and the current occupancy of the home and the rent level selected. If a property that has been vacant for 1 year or more is re-let, the Montpellier Metropole will provide an additional bonus of €2,000.
  • Metropole subsidies of between 10% and 15% of the amount excluding tax for the work, in addition to subsidies from the Metropole on delegation from the ANAH (from 30% to 45% of the amount excluding tax). This means an overall subsidy of between 40% and 60% of the amount before tax, depending on the nature of the work.

To study the profitability of the scheme in relation to your situation, you can discuss your project in greater detail with an advisor who will guide you through the process (see "How do I proceed if I need to carry out work and receive help?")

The ANAH offers a simulator that lets you quickly and easily calculate your rent.

You can choose between 3 rent amounts (Loc' 1, Loc' 2 or Loc' 3). The greater the effort made on the rent, the greater the assistance (tax reduction, work assistance, bonuses) will be in return.

Contact 04 67 34 71 00 with the basic information (surface area, address, rent charged) concerning your accommodation to obtain precise information if necessary.

By entering into an agreement with the Metropole of Montpellier, you undertake to rent your home to a household whose resources are adapted to the amount of rent chosen (Loc 1, Loc 2, Loc 3) according to a table below.

For example, a T3 in Montpellier rents for €805/month in Loc'1, €663.6/month in Loc' 2 and €521.5/month in Loc' 3:

  • You choose your tenants (directly or via an agency) by checking their resource levels, as 76% of households in the Metropole have resource levels compatible with a Loc'1/ Loc'2 / Loc'3 rent amount.
  • You entrust your property to an accredited association that selects suitable tenants with the support of qualified professionals.
  • You can also take out insurance for added peace of mind.

If you want or need to carry out work, a specialized advisor will help you with your project free of charge:

  • Your home is located in the North Ecusson, Courreau-Figuerolles or Carnot districts: contact SERM-SA3M on 04 34 88 79 40 or
  • Your home is located in the old center of Celleneuve: contact Citémétrie on 04 66 29 49 81 or
  • Your home is located in La Mosson: contact SA3M on 04 67 13 63 10 or
  • Your home is located within the perimeter of the Cévennes safeguard plan: contact SA3M on or
  • Your home is located in another district of Montpellier or in one of the 31 communes of the Metropole: contact Urbanis on 04 67 64 83 81 or

By entrusting your home to an approved association, you choose simplicity. The association takes care of finding a tenant who meets your resource ceilings. Qualified professionals are on hand to monitor the situation and/or provide support.

You can also take out insurance for even greater peace of mind, as you would with a conventional rental.

In addition, you'll benefit from more advantageous tax treatment and additional bonuses by choosing a Loc'2 or Loc'3 rental. It's by entrusting your home to an association that you get the most benefits.

Rental intermediation is the practice of entrusting your accommodation to an association:

  • With a management mandate: the association holding the real estate agent's card becomes the manager of your accommodation. It relies on real estate and social sector professionals to guarantee the best rental conditions for your accommodation. Agency fees are deductible from your taxable income.
  • As part of a rental, subletting or sliding lease: the association becomes the tenant of your home and sublets it to a household. Qualified professionals are on hand to provide support. At the end of a maximum 12-month period, and only if conditions allow (respect for rights and duties), you will be offered a sliding lease in the name of the household, which will then become the title tenant of the accommodation.

No. As the ANAH agreement runs for 6 years, you can only get your property back if you sell it, to live in it or for a serious and legitimate reason.

If you find yourself in one of these situations, you'll need to give notice of termination and respect, in accordance with the law, a notice period that varies according to the location of your property and the reason for breaking the lease.

Beware: if you are an owner who has benefited from subsidies, selling before the end of the agreement will oblige you to repay the sums received pro rata to the remaining term of the agreement.

Subject to certain conditions (age of tenant in particular) you can benefit from the Visale Guarantee for unpaid rent, damage.

Moreover, by entrusting your accommodation to an association, it has tools and insurance schemes adapted to all tenant profiles.

At the end of the 6-year agreement, you will have the choice, depending on whether the home is vacant or occupied:

  • Renew the agreement with Anah, with or without work depending on the condition of the home and its occupancy
  • Do not renew the agreement and be able to sell or rent at "free" rent (according to the current rent framework) as soon as your home becomes vacant again after the agreement expires.

For any questions about how the Metropole of Montpellier can help you rent out your home: 04 67 34 71 00 (Tuesday to Friday 2pm to 5pm, Wednesday 12pm to 7:30pm).

You can also write to: specifying the subject of your request and your contact details so that we can call you back.

To find the right contact for your project outside the Montpellier Metropole, you can contact 04 67 34 71 00 or

If necessary, contact the housing department of the intercommunal authority in which your home is located.

In practice

Renovating your home

The Metropole of Montpellier supports the renovation of private housing through financial aid and personalized assistance. These schemes aim to improve the comfort, energy performance and safety of homes, while...

Mission Grand Coeur

The Metropole has set up an Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat (OPAH) de Renouvellement Urbain (RU). Under this scheme, homeowners and/or co-owners benefit from free assistance from an operator and a financial...

Request for planning permission

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