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I would like to enroll my child in the leisure program

Montpellier's ALSH

Leisure centers, also known as ALSH (Accueil de Loisirs Sans Hébergement), are open to children aged 3 to 12, on Wednesdays and during school vacations. They enable all children to discover and practice new activities (manual, artistic, sports, multimedia), have fun and socialize.

Montpellier has 21 municipal leisure centers and 21 associative leisure centers.

ALSH schedules

  • Morning:staggered check-in from 8am to 9:30am
  • Noon:staggered check-out from 11:30am to 12:15pm
  • Afternoon:staggered check-in from 1:30pm to 2pm Evening:staggered check-out from 5pm to 6pm

I reserve

The reservation system allows you to book, if you wish, every Wednesday until the end of December. An invoice is issued for each period, and the reservation is confirmed only if payment is made by the last Wednesday of the previous period.

Since February 15, 2025:

Pay your bills:

Payment methods accepted: cash, bank checks, credit cards, ANCV, direct debit.

Full leisure centers?

New waiting list service:

  • Consult the PREST'O portal, regularly, as places may become available due to cancellations before the "D-10"
  • Register on the new Waiting list service from D-10 and until D-2, you may be offered a place (soon extended to Wednesdays). You then have 48 hours in which to accept the place.
  • Contact the leisure centers available in the area.

Vacation booking calendar

Période de vacances
Quand ?
Où ?
Fin d'année : 23 décembre 2024 / 3 janvier 2025
Entre le 18 novembre et le 12 décembre
Auprès des ALSH
Accueils municipaux ouverts et fermés
Hiver : 17 février / 28 février 2025
Entre le 13 janvier et le 6 février
Printemps : 14 avril / 25 avril 2025
Entre le 10 mars et le 3 avril
Été (juillet) : 7 juillet / 1er août 2025
Entre le 2 et le 26 juin
Été (août) : 4 août / 29 août 2025
Entre le 23 juin et le 24 juillet


All municipal ALSHs will be closed on Wednesday, May 7, 2025 (animation day) and Friday, August 29 (pre-school start day).


Depuis le 15 février 2025, payez vos factures :

Modes de paiement acceptés : espèces, chèques bancaires, cartes bancaires, ANCV, prélèvement automatique.

Accueils de loisirs complets ?

Nouveau service liste d'attente :

  • Consultez régulièrement le portail PREST’O, car des places peuvent se libérer suite à des annulations avant la période du « J-10 »
  • Inscrivez-vous sur le nouveau E-service de liste d’attente. Les places qui se libèrent à l’intérieur de la période du « J-10 » seront proposées aux inscrits de la liste d’attente par ordre d’inscription. La place devra être acceptée dans un délai de 48h.
  • S’adresser aux accueils de loisirs associatifs disponibles sur le territoire.

I register my child

Parents can enroll their children in the leisure center of their choice, regardless of where they live in Montpellier (subject to availability and age requirements).

Half-day care is possible, except in the case of exceptional programming of an all-day activity.

Registration for the whole week may exceptionally be required due to a pedagogical project led by a leisure center.

Present yourself to the manager of the chosen leisure center, bringing:

  • A recent photo,
  • A certificate of civil liability insurance for peri and extracurricular time,
  • The completed health form, obtained by email from the extracurricular educational manager (REE),
  • The health record book,
  • The family record book.

Without presentation of these documents, no registration will be validated.

Other documents are accepted, such as CAF leisure aid...

1. Go to the Prest'O counter at Hôtel de Ville to pre-register your child, with the following supporting documents:

  • A proof of address less than 3 months old,
  • The livret de famille,
  • A photo ID,
  • Your 2023 tax notice on 2022 income,
  • If you are a CAF recipient, your latest CAF attestation.

2. Recover the récépissé issued to you.

3. Finalize registration with the leisure center manager of your choice.

Cancel or modify a reservation

  • For Wednesdays: up to one week before the cancelled Wednesday.
  • For school vacations: up to Thursday, 11 days before the start of the vacation.

In the event of repeated cancellations, the person in charge reserves the right to no longer accept a child.

Any reservation cancelled or modified after the deadline will result in invoicing, except for medical reasons for the child and on presentation of supporting documents (medical certificate or hospitalization report for the child).

I set

From February 15, 2025 you'll be able to pay your bills:

  • Online on the PREST'O School PREST'O family portal ;
  • At PREST'O counters at City Hall;
  • In the Local town halls (Mosson, Villon, Tastavin and Les Aubes-Pompignane).

Payment methods: cash, bank checks*, credit cards, ANCV, direct debit**. For local town halls, it is possible to pay by check or credit card only.

*You can make payment by check payable to Régie des Centres de Loisirs.

**to February 15, 2025

A fairer price scale

Since September 2023, a single price scale has applied to all families: day rates range from €5.50 to €17.90, depending on the family quotient calculated by the CAF.

School canteen: a €0.50 rate has been introduced for families in very precarious circumstances: single parents (lone parents) and RSA recipients, homeless parents or refugees.

How much does it cost?

Since 2023, the City of Montpellier has introduced a fairer, more supportive progressive pricing system for non-hosted leisure centers (ALSH). Meal rates are also evolving.

With the reform, more than one family in 2 has seen its rate decrease, particularly the most modest households.

  • Day rates : a new single rate scale applies to all families: from €5.50 to €17.90 depending on the family quotient. By way of comparison, daytime rates at association-run ALSHs range from €5.80 to €27.
  • Restaurant rates: municipal leisure centers are also affected by the new rate structure for school meals: the price of meals provided by the town ranges from €1.35 to €6.55 depending on the family quotient. The €0.50 rate for families in very precarious circumstances is maintained.

Where to find my family quotient?

  • You are affiliated to the CAF

Your family quotient is automatically transmitted to Prest'O services.

You only need to inform the Prest'O service if your CAF number or the name attached to your CAF file changes, by sending us your updated certificate.

If your situation changes (new child, marriage, divorce, hiring, job loss), your family quotient will evolve. Contact CAF services as soon as possible so that your new situation can be taken into account to calculate your new family quotient. Inform the Prest'O services of your change of situation so that your rate is updated from the date of information from the CAF services.

  • You are not affiliated to the CAF

Apply to the Prest'O service, which calculates the CAF family quotient on the basis of proof of resources and family composition.

If your situation changes, you can contact the Prest'O service directly, who will inform you of the supporting documents you need to present in order to take your new situation into account and update your rate.

Associative leisure centers

For associative leisure centers, registration is made with the structure. Rates are set by each management structure, based on a social pricing scale. Contact the centers to find out about daily rates.

The new rates also apply to meals taken at municipal and association leisure centers: the price of meals provided by the city ranges from €1.35 to €6.55, depending on the family quotient.

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