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Residences for the elderly (EHPAD)

7 residences run by the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) offer accommodation for elderly people who can no longer or no longer wish to live at home, as well as support from a multidisciplinary team.

Located in different areas of the city, these establishments are living spaces that are open to the local community and promote a social mix. Residents' families are welcome and help maintain social ties with them.

Safety, quality care, human warmth and joie de vivre are the foundations of a social policy developed within our residences, so that every senior can enjoy the quality of life they have a right to expect.

List of EHPAD

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How do I get into an EHPAD?

Residential admission requests are centralized at the CCAS and are processed based on your choice, the coordinating doctor's opinion and available places.

CCAS contact details:

CCAS admissions department
125, place Thermidor 34000 Montpellier
04 99 52 77 12 / 04 99 52 77 14
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm
Access: tramway lines 1 and 3 - Port Marianne stop

Are you eligible for financial aid?

To finance accommodation

  • L'allocation logement: calculated according to your income, it helps to cover part of your accommodation costs. Information:
  • Legal social assistance: if you don't have the means to finance accommodation in an EHPAD, you can turn to legal social assistance. The CCAS will carry out a survey of your dependents, who may be asked to contribute to the costs.

Financing dependency

L'Allocation Personnalisée d'Autonomie (APA)

The APA is used to finance part of your dependency costs if you have a GIR* (Groupe Iso-Ressources) of 1 to 4. It is calculated on the basis of your dependency rate and your income. You can obtain your file from the CCAS.

*The GIR corresponds to the level of loss of autonomy of an elderly person. There are 6 GIRs, with GIR 1 being the highest level of loss of autonomy, and GIR 6 the lowest.

Information and assistance with administrative procedures

Point d'Information et d'Orientation Seniors du CCAS
125, place Thermidor 34000 Montpellier
04 99 52 77 99
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm
Access: tramway lines 1 and 3 - stop Port Marianne

Discover also

Supporting seniors on a daily basis

Whether it's helping with administrative formalities, combating isolation, providing homecare services or providing accommodation to foster social ties, the CCAS works to integrate our seniors into the life of the city.

Golden Age Clubs

A wide variety of activities are offered to members of the Clubs de l'Âge d'Or run by Montpellier's CCAS. Some are free, others require a token contribution.

Community Social Action Center (CCAS)

All Montpellier residents receive an unconditional welcome at the CCAS headquarters in Port Marianne, and at the Espace Gisèle Halimi in the Mosson district.