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I'm moving

Are you leaving Montpellier or leaving the public school system?

It is mandatory and imperative to:

  • Return the "Ma Carte" card to the school or directly to Service PREST'O when the child permanently leaves the Montpellier public school rolls.
  • Report this change to Service PREST'O by email, at the counter or by post. Failure to update the child's file will result in billing for meals reserved and not cancelled.

Are you moving but staying in Montpellier?

You have two options:

  1. Staying at the same school
    Your child can stay at his or her current school until kindergarten, if he or she is in maternelle, and until CM2 if he or she is in elementary school.
    It is imperative to make the change of address:
    1. On the PREST'O portal: Portail Montpellier
    2. From the school management
    3. From the extracurricular educational officer
  2. Register at your child's new sector school
    To do this:
    1. Change your address with Service PREST'O by e-mail or at the counter, indicating the desired enrolment date and enclosing proof of address.
    2. Notify the management of the current school of your departure and the extracurricular educational manager once enrolment at the new school has been confirmed.

Quelle est mon école de secteur ?

Trouvez votre école de secteur :

A savoir :

  • Le module de recherche correspond à la sectorisation actuelle : année scolaire 2024-2025. Il ne prend pas en compte les modifications de sectorisation qui pourraient intervenir pour la rentrée 2025.
  • La carte scolaire détermine l’école où chaque enfant est affecté en fonction de son lieu d’habitation.
  • Ce module de recherche permet de connaître immédiatement l'école qui correspond à une adresse.

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Inscriptions scolaires Montpellier, campagne communication.

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I would like to enroll my child in the canteen and extracurricular activities

Registration is compulsory before children can attend Montpellier's canteens and after-school programs. Please follow the steps below.