Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
My everyday gestures
My exterior

Whether it's your garden, managing your waste or getting around, there are many things you can do to help preserve the environment!
- I favor ecological gardening
- I take advantage of the City of Montpellier's "Bon de végétalisation" scheme
- I take care of trees, at home and outside
- I contribute to the fight against invasive species, if possible with natural methods.
- I discover useful insects
- I explore and preserve my natural treasures
Fitting out
- I fit out my outdoors to deal with the risks of flooding
- I take steps to combat mosquitoes
- I install solar panels
- I prevent chemical risks
- I take advantage of the free take advantage of free public transport
- I use a bike for my daily commute
- I optimize my car journeys with car-sharing thanks to BlaBlaCar Daily
- I opt for car-sharing with Modulauto
- I discover charging points for my electric vehicle
- I buy in bulk, I limit packaging wherever possible
- I recycle and compost
- I sort my glass
- I don't leave bulky items in the street and I identify the waste collection centers near my home
- I opt for eco-responsible and supportive gestures
- I install a "STOP PUB" sign on my letterbox
My interior

Everyday, our lifestyles have an impact on the environment. Consuming and eating better, being more energy-efficient... It's possible to contribute, at your own level, to the fight against climate change.
I consume responsibly
- I favor the circular economy and second-hand purchases (clothing, furniture, electrical and electronic products...)
- I drink tap water rather than bottled and use water bottles
- I avoid "disposable"
- everyday products and objects
- I buy sensibly
- To give them a second life, I repair or have repaired my defective objects
- I make my household and hygienic products
I save energy: it's good for the planet and my wallet!
- I turn off electrical appliances on standby, and unplug unused chargers
- I take a shower rather than a bath
- I install water savers on taps to reduce the flow without losing comfort
- I repair my tap or flush if they leak
- I save electricity and lighting -I install Led light bulbs
- I keep my heating between 19 and 21 degrees in winter
- I regulate the temperature of my water heater between 50 and 55°
- I limit the use of air conditioning in summer
- I improve the insulation of my home
- I wait until my washing machine and dishwasher are full before turning them on, and I choose the "eco" and/or low-temperature mode
- I optimize my refrigerator, and defrost it regularly
- I choose energy-saving electronics and household appliances
- I turn off the tap when I brush my teeth/hands
I opt for sustainable food
- I buy local produce, seasonal and from sustainable agriculture
- I learn about the different food labels
- I give preference to organic products
- I hunt down packaging and plastic
- I reduce my consumption of meat and dairy products, for example by introducing a "vegetarian" day in the week
- I eat fish from sustainable fishing
- I limit food waste