Getting married in Montpellier
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Conditions for getting married in Montpellier
The city of Montpellier offers the possibility of getting married in the commune under several conditions:
- Residence: one of the future spouses must be domiciled in the commune, or have resided there for more than one month at the time of the application. Marriage is also possible if one of the spouses' parents is from Montpellier;
- Age: you must be at least 18 years old;
- Filiation: the law defines certain family ties that prohibit marriage;
- Situation: one of the future spouses must not already be married in France or abroad. Conversely, it is possible to marry without breaking a
- Pacs: the latter will be dissolved;
- Consent: when filing the application and at the ceremony, each spouse will testify to his or her free and informed consent.
File creation
A wedding project begins with the preparation of a dossier. You can download it here, or pick it up at your local mairie.
To confirm that all conditions are met, several supporting documents are required:
- A full copy or extract with filiation of the birth certificate of each member of the couple. For a person born in Montpellier, this document will be attached directly to the file by the City of Montpellier's civil status department;
- Recent proof of domicile or residence for each of the future spouses;
- Please provide proof of identity for each of the future spouses;
- Notary certificate (in the case of a marriage contract);
- Attestation on honor of celibacy or non-remarriage.
For foreign nationals, and in certain special cases, other documents may be required.
The presence of witnesses is mandatory at the wedding ceremony. Their role is symbolic, but also legal: they certify the identity of the future spouses, and attest to the sincerity and validity of the union. Their identity and signature will be included in the marriage certificate, within the commune's civil status register.
One or two witnesses per spouse can be designated. To be a witness, the only requirement is to be of age or emancipated. His or her full identity must be indicated in the marriage file, together with a copy of an official identity document.
Please note: it is possible to change witnesses right up to the time of the ceremony. In the event of absence, the civil registrar can designate a witness.
Filing the application
Filing the application is an important formality: it confirms the marriage project. It must be submitted by appointment only to the City's registry office. Appointment slots are available online. It is imperative that both spouses be present for the filing of the file, in possession of official identification.
Delivery deadline: the file must be filed at least one month, maximum 10 days, before the planned date of the Ceremony.
Important : les futur(e)s époux(ses) doivent signer le règlement des mariages de la Ville de Montpellier qui constitue une pièce importante du dossier mariage.
Ce règlement de bonne conduite détermine les comportements à adopter pendant la cérémonie et le cortège et est destiné au bon déroulé de la cérémonie de mariage.
Le mariage doit être célébré en présence d'au moins 2 témoins, 4 maximum.