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Change of name

Since July 1, 2022, any French citizen of legal age can choose to bear the name of his or her mother, father, or both. This free, fast procedure was simplified by the March 2022 law on choosing a name derived from filiation. The request is made to a civil registrar at the town hall of one's place of birth or residence.

The procedure in detail

Any French citizen of legal age wishing to change his or her surname to that of his or her mother, father, or both, has the option of making a request at the town hall. There is no need to justify the choice, and the civil registry services do not have to check the legitimate reason for the request.

The procedure is not instantaneous. Once the complete file has been submitted to the town hall, the law imposes a one-month cooling-off period. Once this period has elapsed, the applicant must go back to confirm his or her decision with a registrar. The request will then take effect.


This statutory right can only be used once. Any new request for a change will have to be addressed to the Garde des Sceaux.

Any other request (new surname...) must go through an approval from the Ministry of Justice.

Below, you'll find the form you need to fill in to make up your application file. This will need to be completed with several proofs of identity and address.

Consequences for civil status

The name change automatically extends to the applicant's children under the age of 13. Over 13, their written consent is required.

Once the name change has been notified, the civil status records concerning the applicant will be updated.

It is then necessary to approach the town hall of one's choice to request the renewal of one's Carte nationale d'Identité and passport (add link to CNI and passport page), even if these were currently valid. It is forbidden to use documents that do not correspond to your civil status. In this case, renewal is free of charge, including for the passport.

Please note: Don't forget to also apply to renew your driving license, as well as your Vitale card.