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Raising awareness of biodiversity

Our region boasts an extraordinary natural heritage. To preserve this wealth of flora and fauna, discover a number of measures aimed at better understanding and protecting biodiversity, both in the city and on its outskirts.

Scientific culture

Education about the environment and sustainable development is one of the priorities of the City of Montpellier and the Metropole. It's never too early to talk about ecology, and encourage children in this approach.

Sorting waste, saving water and energy, safeguarding biodiversity and astronomy are all themes that can be tackled in a fun way.

To this end, the Nature en jeux platform makes free online games to learn how to protect the planet available to teachers, animators or educators. Children are tomorrow's eco-citizens, and it's up to them to understand and learn so they can live better in the future world.

The platform raises awareness of simple, everyday gestures that can make a difference, with innovative, turnkey tools tailored to every age group.

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Biodiversity observation networks

The City of Montpellier has set up a number of biodiversity observation programs to help you become an expert in the field.