A complete range of tailor-made services, adapted to every need : this is what the Metropole of Montpellier offers, through its Pôle Attractivité Développement Économique et Emploi, to support every stage in a company's life.
Setting up your business
Free, tailor-made support is available for people wishing to set up their business in the Montpellier metropolitan area. You can apply for a location directly online, while benefiting from free, tailor-made support at every stage of your project.
Setting up your company
Support measures are in place within the Montpellier metropolis during the start-up phase. Innovative companies can benefit from the support of Montpellier's BIC, one of the world's Top 5 incubators, which has already successfully supported more than 800 companies.
.Financing your growth project
You want to accelerate your development? Montpellier Metropole can help you find the financing tailored to your needs by providing you with the support and expertise of its teams, its tools and its network of partners.
Expanding internationally
Business missions, participation in international trade shows, hosting foreign delegations, introductions, preparation for internationalization... A whole range of services to support companies wishing to expand internationally are offered by the Metropole of Montpellier.
Recruitment assistance
To help you find your next talent, the Metropole, committed to the Territoire Zéro Chômeur Longue Durée (Zero Long-Term Unemployed Territory) approach, is organizing Rencontres pour l'Emploi (Employment Meetings) and putting you in touch with its network of partners.
Launching a CSR initiative
Through the Montpellier Impact portal, the Metropole of Montpellier gives you access to a panel of turnkey actions to promote your societal commitment (concrete actions, inspiring experiences, support for your projects...).
Drawing up a business plan
Your financial contacts are asking you for a business plan, but you don't know where to start? Designed by the BIC de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, the Montpellier Business Plan software lets you draw up your business plan with ease. It already has over 55,000 users.
Welcome structures for companies
Company nurseries, incubators, themed or general business parks... The Montpellier Metropolis provides a variety of facilities to support your business, your start-up project or your development project. Whatever your needs and expectations!