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Roads and public spaces

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole is currently carrying out the major works required to meet the needs of the growing population on its territory, as well as those of the climate and social emergency.
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A website dedicated to work in the region

These worksites can disrupt everyone's daily life, which is why the Metropole is doing everything it can to inform citizens and users of any inconveniences caused.

All works in progress are on:

Major projects for low-carbon mobility

The Metropole is devoting 1.5 billion euros to mobility between now and 2026. An unprecedented level of investment required for the creation of the tramway line 5, the extension of tramway line 1 to the Sud de France TGV station, the completion of 5 bustram lines and 235 km of express bicycle network, the "Vélolignes montpelliéraines".

Indispensable worksites that respond to the increase in population and travel and provide solutions to the climatic and social emergency.