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Metropolitan heritage

From archaeological remains dating from Prehistory and Antiquity to the most contemporary architecture of Port-Marianne, the metropolitan heritage is diverse and bears witness to the history of the Metropole.

Discovering metropolitan heritage

The Metropole is developing mediation tools in various forms and adapted to different ages. Be curious, discover, read, play!

Most of these heritage sites are accessible during the European Heritage Days.

Flyers and booklets

The Metropole designs and publishes flyers and booklets that fit in with the national collections of Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire.

Some books

The Metropole contributes to the publication of works on the territory's history and heritage.

Multimedia tools

The Metropole designs tools to discover the territory in an immersive and fun way. Case in point: the Place Jean Jaurès app to discover how this central square has evolved over the centuries.

The Metropole is co-constructing a varied program with the Tourist Office to enjoy the metropolitan heritage, in the presence of a professional tour guide. An offer adapted to varied audiences, renewed 3 times a year.