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I need help to eat

Social grocery stores

To access Montpellier's social and solidarity grocery stores, people must have resources and be referred by a social worker from the Département, the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) or an association. If they have no resources, they are referred to the free food distributions.

Reception without appointment at the CCAS of Montpellier
Permanence of social workers Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm
04 99 52 77 00
125 place Thermidor CS 63998
34060 Montpellier cedex 2

Community Social Action Center (CCAS)

125 Place Thermidor 34000 Montpellier
City of Montpellier
Lundi: 8:30-17:00
Mardi: 8:30-17:00
Mercredi: 8:30-17:00
Jeudi: 8:30-17:00
Vendredi: 8:30-17:00
Samedi: Closed
Dimanche: Closed
04 99 52 77 01
Voir la fiche du lieu

Solidarity baskets

Anyone can access fruit and vegetable baskets for €1 or €2, distributed by the Centre d'Expérimentation et d'Innovation Social (CEIS) of Montpellier's CCAS, under certain conditions:

  • Be from Montpellier
  • Be in a precarious situation
  • Be accompanied by a social worker from the CCAS de Montpellier

Centre d'Expérimentations et d'Innovation Sociale du CCAS de Montpellier
04 99 52 85 31
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm.
15 place Salengro 34000 Montpellier

Tramway line 3, stop Plan cabanes

Bus 11 Les Bouisses, stop Craponne

Centre d’Expérimentations et d’Innovation Sociale (CEIS)

15 Place Roger Salengro 34000 Montpellier
Ville de Montpellier
Lundi: 8:30-17:00
Mardi: 8:30-17:00
Mercredi: 8:30-17:00
Jeudi: 8:30-17:00
Vendredi: 8:30-17:00
Samedi: Closed
Dimanche: Closed

Découvrir aussi

Lutter contre la précarité alimentaire

Une lutte portée par le CCAS pour une alimentation pour tous. Cela passe par la mise en place d’épiceries sociales solidaires, la distribution de paniers repas composés de produits locaux, ou encore l’organisation d’un Noël solidaire.

Christmas in solidarity

At a time when the festive season is synonymous with conviviality, the city of Montpellier and its associations are not forgetting people in very precarious circumstances, for whom fragility and isolation are all the more keenly felt at this time of year.