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I need help to find a place to live

Support in finding, settling in and/or staying in housing

Following a social assessment by an agent of the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) de Montpellier or an associated partner, the person must meet the resource conditions laid down by the Fonds de Solidarité pour le Logement (ceiling of €1,208 for a single person), to be able to be accompanied by a Conseiller en Economie Sociale et Familiale.

The aim of this support is to help anyone encountering difficulties in their rental project to stay in their current home (rent debts, EDF debts, unhappiness with their living environment, etc.) or when moving in for the first time (opening meters, home insurance, first rent, etc.)


For information

  • Service d'accompagnement social et d'accès aux droits du CCAS de Montpellier

125 place Thermidor CS 63998
34060 Montpellier cedex 2
04 99 52 77 00
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm

  • Antenne Mosson - Espace Gisèle Halimi

35 rue de la Haye
34080 Montpellier
04 67 40 72 72
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm

Living in a municipal EHPAD

Information is available from the EHPAD admissions department:

CCAS de Montpellier
125 place Thermidor CS 63998
34060 Montpellier cedex 2
04 99 52 77 12/14 -
Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm.

Student flat-sharing in nursing homes

The Centre Communal d'Action Sociale offers student shared accommodation in municipal EHPADs. 15 students live in the residences Michel Bélorgeot, Françoise Gauffier, Les Aubes and Simone Gillet-Demangel.

How does it work?

The shared apartments, ranging in size from 71 to 115 m², are renovated and partially furnished former company apartments.
In exchange for a moderate rent starting from 180€/month (all charges included, excluding APL), the students offer a minimum of 3 hours of voluntary activities to the residents, particularly at weekends or in the late afternoon. The schedule is discussed in advance with the EHPAD's professional team.

The lease lasts for one academic year, with the possibility of renewal. The lease expires a maximum of three years after the date of entry, all renewals included. As an accessory, the tenant can share meal times with the residents at the EHPAD restaurant for a fixed price of €5 per menu, by registering in advance with the establishment.

Students welcomed into shared accommodation are voluntary and motivated by the proposed project. There can be no relationship of subordination, within the meaning of employment law, between the host structure and the student. Respect for the EHPAD staff and their work, the premises, the residents, the equipment and the environment is required of all.


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