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I need help with my online administrative procedures

Need help with online administrative procedures?

An agent welcomes people by appointment from 9am to 12:30pm then 1:30pm to 5pm Monday to Wednesday, and on Friday mornings from 9am to 12pm at the Centre Communal d'Action Social (CCAS) in Montpellier.

Computers are available for free access at the Centre d'Expérimentation et d'Innovation Social (CEIS) on the following days:

  • Monday from 9am to 12pm,
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm,
  • Friday from 2pm to 4pm

To go further, people can improve their skills by attending group introductory workshops on the computer environment, smartphone use (taking photos, using GPS, etc.), learn how to protect their data, or take part in themed digital cafés.

Agenda coming soon.

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