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Police municipale

Temps de lecture : 9 minutes


Montpellier's municipal police force comprises 183 officers dedicated to serving the city's residents. It has 20 vehicles, 9 motorcycles, 20 scooters, 53 ATVs and a mobile command post.

A local police force based in 3 major sectors of the municipal territory: North, South and Centre. But also closer to citizens with the Mobile Command Post positioned according to needs.

In application of the provisions of decree n°2019-140 of 27/02/2019, the officers of the City of Montpellier Municipal Police are equipped with pedestrian cameras.

The mission of the Police Municipale is to ensure good order, tranquility, safety and public health: compliance with municipal bylaws, requests from constituents and city hall departments in the areas of parking, traffic, public space developments and incivilities such as noise, etc.

Contact the municipal police

  • By telephone: 04 67 34 88 30
  • File an online report: to report damage to public or private property, request a patrol, report noise nuisance (construction sites, neighborhood) or the presence of a squatter, you can use the online reporting platform:


Local policing missions focused on contact with the population, knowledge of neighborhoods and enforcement of regulations:

Motorcycle brigade

Essentially focused on road safety missions, the motorcycle brigade carries out roadside checks (speed, blood alcohol under the authority of a Territorially Competent Judicial Police Officer), and also carries out general policing missions, escorts (ceremonies, parades) and positions itself in support of local teams.

The night brigade

Assigned officers are responsible for enforcing the Mayor's police powers, particularly in the areas of noise pollution, neighborhood disturbances and use of public space, road safety, and ensuring the application of :

  • the municipal summer or winter public tranquility bylaw
  • the municipal summer bylaw regulating opening hours for fast-food outlets, retail takeaways of foodstuffs and beverages.

Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 7pm to 4:30am.

The Centre Opérationnel de Commandement

The Centre Opérationnel de Commandement (C.O.C) ensures:

  • Management of telephone and radio calls
  • Operational management of resources
  • Monitoring of events linked to the festivities
  • Implementation of the various search, and intervention plans in collaboration with the fire department and the national police force

It is in permanent liaison with all municipal police officers in the field, the video-protection unit of the Urban Supervisory Center (CSU) and the Information and Command Center (C.I.C) of the French National Police.

Operating hours: Monday to Saturday from 7am to 04:30am and Sunday from 7pm to 04:30am.

Telephone: 04 67 34 88 30

Road safety education

Road safety education is carried out in partnership with the city's Education Department and the TaM Prevention Department, as well as the Montpellier Academy, the Hérault road safety association, and the Montpellier hand-ball club.

At the attention of a school audience ranging from CP to CM2, theoretical training is delivered in the classroom using adapted teaching aids, followed by practical outdoor training on a specially equipped cycle track.

At the end of the course, a test rewards pupils with a "pedestrian passport", designed to raise awareness of road safety issues among pedestrians and cyclists.

This Municipal Police traffic education unit also takes part in road safety education initiatives in partnership with the Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse, the Bourneville ITEP centers, and the "Bon secours" children's home in Montpellier.

Mobile command post schedule

The Mobile Command Post moves around as needed. Its mission: to collect requests, inform residents and offer municipal police services to citizens who need them.

Find it:

  • On 18/02/25 from 14:00 to 19:30: Place de la Révolution Française, Port Marianne
  • On 25/02/25 from 08:00 to 13:30: Marché Plan Cabanes
  • On 26/02/25 from 08:00 to 13:30: Place du Nombre d'Or, Marché Antigone
  • The 27/02/25 from 08h to 13h30: Marché Tastavin, Bd Pédro De Luna
  • The 28/02/25 from 08h to 13h30: Marché Mosson, Av. Heidelberg

Welcome desk services

The municipal police station is located avenue Germaine Tillion, 34000 Montpellier, close to the Hôtel de Ville.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1pm to 4:15pm.

Déménagements (2 jours maximum) :

  • Particuliers : sur présentation d’un justificatif de domiciliation sur la place Georges Frêche, d’une pièce d’identité et de la carte grise du véhicule.
  • Professionnels : sur présentation du document K-bis et de la carte grise du véhicule de société.

Chantiers (15 jours maximum renouvelable) :

  • Particuliers : sur présentation d’un justificatif de domiciliation sur la place Georges Frêche, d'une pièce d'identité et de la carte grise du véhicule.
  • Professionnels : sur présentation du document K-bis ou de la carte d’artisan en cours de validité et de la carte grise du véhicule de société.

Manifestations (durée limitée en fonction des autorisations) :

  • Particuliers : sur présentation de l’autorisation délivrée par les services compétents pour organiser et animer des manifestations (sportives ou culturelles) sur la place Georges Frêche et de la carte grise du véhicule.
  • Associations culturelles ou sportives : sur présentation de l’autorisation délivrée par les services compétents pour organiser et animer des manifestations (sportives ou culturelles) sur la place Georges Frêche et de la carte grise du véhicule.

Suite à la rédaction d’une fiche d’immobilisation ou de circulation provisoire d’un véhicule effectué par un agent de Police Municipale, la restitution de la carte grise au propriétaire du véhicule immobilisé se fait directement dans les locaux de la fourrière municipale : 1945 avenue de Toulouse 34000 Montpellier.

  • Particuliers : sur présentation de la fiche de circulation provisoire, d’une pièce d’identité et de la visite de contrôle technique.
  • Professionnels : sur présentation de la fiche de circulation provisoire, d’une pièce d’identité, du document K-bis et de la visite de contrôle technique.

  • Particuliers : sur présentation de la fiche d’immobilisation, d’une pièce d’identité et du véhicule pour vérifier la mise en conformité ou tout justificatif (pneu usé, plaque non conforme…)
  • Professionnels : sur présentation de la fiche d’immobilisation, d’une pièce d’identité, du document K-bis et du véhicule pour vérifier la mise en conformité ou tout justificatif (pneu usé, plaque non conforme…)

Use of pedestrian cameras by agents

As permitted by article L241-2 du CSI L241-2 du code de la sécurité intérieure (CSI), in the exercise of their missions to prevent breaches of public order and protect the safety of people and property, as well as their judicial police missions, municipal police officers have been authorized by the representative of the State in the département, to use individual cameras to make audiovisual recordings of their actions in all locations when an incident occurs or is likely to occur, having regard to the circumstances of the action or the behavior of the persons concerned.

On the purpose of the recordings and the data collected

The purpose of the recordings is to prevent incidents during interventions by municipal police officers, to establish offences and prosecute their perpetrators by collecting evidence, and to train and educate officers.

The recordings include the images and sounds captured, a time stamp, the identification of the officer carrying the camera and the coordinates of the location where the data is collected. They may directly or indirectly reveal sensitive data within the meaning of article 6 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, relating to information technology.

On the conditions for using the cameras

The cameras are supplied by the department and worn visibly by the agents. A specific visual signal indicates whether the camera is recording. The persons filmed are informed when the recording is triggered, unless circumstances prohibit it. General public information on the use of these cameras is organized by the mayor of each municipality on whose territory these agents are assigned by means of the present publication on the municipality's website.

When the safety of agents or the safety of goods and people is threatened, images captured and recorded by means of individual cameras may be transmitted in real time to the command post of the service concerned and to personnel involved in the conduct and execution of the intervention.

On the conditions for consulting recordings

When such consultation is necessary to facilitate the search for perpetrators of offenses, the prevention of imminent attacks on public order, the rescue of persons or the accurate establishment of the facts when reporting on interventions, the personnel to whom individual cameras are supplied may have direct access to the recordings they are making as part of legal proceedings or an intervention.

Cameras are equipped with technical devices to guarantee the integrity of recordings until they are erased, and the traceability of consultations when they are carried out as part of the intervention.

On retention periods and the rights of data subjects

Recordings are not permanent and are automatically erased after thirty days, except in cases where they are used as part of judicial, administrative or disciplinary proceedings. The rights of information, access and deletion provided for in articles 70-18 to 70-20 of the amended law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Information, Files and Freedoms, may be exercised directly at the following address:

Mairie de Montpellier 1 place Georges Frêche 34267 Montpellier Cedex 2 or by email:

In order to avoid hindering administrative or judicial investigations and proceedings and to avoid harming the prevention or detection of criminal offences, investigations or prosecutions in this area, the rights of access and deletion may be subject to restrictions pursuant to 2° and 3° of II and III of article 70-21 of the same law. The person concerned by these restrictions may exercise their rights with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés) under the conditions set out in article 70-22 of the same law:

CNIL, 3 place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

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