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I'm isolated

Fighting the digital divide and social isolation

Consulter le programme des ateliers numériques du Centre d'Expérimentations et d'Innovation Sociale (CEIS) du CCAS de Montpellier (soon available).

Reaching out to isolated seniors

You're a senior citizen, you live in Montpellier and are in a situation of isolation or need support. You can:

  • Be informed about your rights
  • Be accompanied in your steps
  • Be directed towards structures adapted to your needs
  • Participate in prevention and leisure activities

Inform-with the CCAS de Montpellier :

  • Point d'Information et d'Orientation (PIO) de l'Âge d'Or: 04 99 52 77 99
  • Open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm

Participate in the activities of the local municipal EHPAD

EHPADs are facilities that are open to the local community. Seniors living there can take advantage of the residence's table d'hôtes on payment of a meal ticket, as well as certain preventive activities and/or workshops.

Information from the local EHPAD:

  • EHPAD Les Aubes: 04 67 72 06 98
  • EHPAD Michel Bélorgeot: 04 67 40 04 44
  • EHPAD Mathilde Lartigue: 04 67 75 25 70
  • EHPAD Simone Gillet Demangel: 04 67 42 80 33
  • EHPAD Pierre Laroque: 04 67 16 67 00
  • EHPAD Montpelliéret: 04 67 66 14 98
  • EHPAD Françoise Gauffier: 04 99 54 96 70

Discover also

Supporting seniors on a daily basis

Whether it's helping with administrative formalities, combating isolation, providing homecare services or providing accommodation to foster social ties, the CCAS works to integrate our seniors into the life of the city.

Community Social Action Center (CCAS)

All Montpellier residents receive an unconditional welcome at the CCAS headquarters in Port Marianne, and at the Espace Gisèle Halimi in the Mosson district.

Residences for the elderly (EHPAD)

7 residences run by the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) provide accommodation for elderly people who can no longer or no longer wish to live in their own homes, with support from a multi-disciplinary team.