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The city of Montpellier receives Qualivilles certification

The City of Montpellier has embarked on a process of modernizing its services, which has earned it Qualivilles® certification, attesting to the quality of its welcome at 13 certified reception areas. 300 agents, whose mission is to specifically welcome the public, are at your service at the town hall.
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

List of certified services and reception areas

Hôtel de Ville

  • Accueil central de l'Hôtel de Ville
  • Standard de l'Hôtel de Ville
  • Vie Quotidienne
  • Civil status
  • Elections - Census
  • Soil law
  • Presto
  • Reception and delivery of services for registrations within the Education (school) and Childcare (nursery)

Outside sites

This certification, issued to local authorities that choose to comply with very strict specifications, is far from being a simple distinction: it's a guarantee of the high level of service quality. In particular, this certification requires an audit by Afnor every year, to enable the City to ensure, over the long term, that it is meeting its commitments.

All this contributes to a process of continuous improvement in the service provided to Montpellier residents.

What you can expect:

  • Responses to emails within 5 days.
  • Responses to complaints within 10 days
  • Responses to letters within 15 days
  • Requests for civil status certificates made on the website processed immediately or within 5 days.
  • A response within 4 rings at the switchboard.
  • Desks open between 12pm and 2pm and some until 7pm.