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Reaching out to the most vulnerable

To reach out to the most vulnerable, inform them of their rights and help them out of their precarious situation, the City of Montpellier and the CCAS have joined forces to propose a number of concrete solutions. Combining associations, teams of social workers, interventions in strategic locations and experiments are being set up.
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Mission "Aller vers

Objective: to identify the public in a situation of non-use and/or non-application, to assess their situation, to inform them about their rights, and to direct them towards a support service adapted to their problematic and administrative situation.

Accompanying the public served by associations carrying out food distributions towards access to rights

Among the public appealing for food aid, a certain number of people are in a situation of non-use of rights. To remedy this, the "Aller vers" mission offers an unconditional social welcome at two food distribution sites, based on the model set up on the premises of the CCAS: the Association Humanitaire de Montpellier and the Camion du Coeur.

People can request it directly, or are referred by volunteers. The aim: to become a bridge between the street and the institutions.

Intervene in the city's social and solidarity grocery stores

The social and solidarity grocery store presents itself as a classic local shop. It enables people in economic difficulty, referred by a social worker, to do their shopping and choose the products they wish to consume. Quality foodstuffs are offered at between 10% and 30% of their market value.

To be eligible, people must have resources and be referred by a social worker from the Département, the CCAS or an association. If they have no resources, they are referred to free food distributions.

2 social workers from the "Aller vers" mission are assigned to work in four grocery stores in Montpellier:

  1. The Saint-Vincent-de-Paul grocery store
  2. The EPSO social and solidarity grocery store
  3. The Secours Catholique social grocery store
  4. The L'Esperluette social grocery store: this store is exclusively for residents of the Celleneuve district and does not require referral by a social worker, unlike other grocery stores.

On-site, the social worker is responsible for:

  • Make an initial diagnosis in conjunction with the various grocery stores
  • Inform people of their rights
  • Route them to the institutions and associations closest to them
  • Fight against the nonto rights
  • Informing volunteers about existing schemes
  • Setting up collective actions on site in conjunction with associations

Resolving precarious housing in squats

The "Aller vers" mission meets people living in squats to carry out an initial social diagnosis of their situation. It then refers them to the mainstream structures best suited to their needs. Social workers do not intervene alone. They are accompanied by the most appropriate partner depending on the type of squat.

En pratique

I need help to find a place to live

Following a social assessment by an agent of Montpellier's Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) or an associated partner, the person must meet the resource conditions set by the Fonds de Solidarité pour le Logement (housing solidarity fund) (ceiling of...

I need help to eat

To gain access to Montpellier's social and solidarity grocery stores, people must have sufficient resources and be referred by a social worker from the Département, the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) or an association. If you...

Combating non-use of rights

Over 30% of French people do not take the necessary steps to access the rights to which they are entitled. Montpellier residents are no exception, especially those living in the Hôpitaux-Facultés, Aiguelongue, les Aubes, la P...