Temps de lecture : 1 minute
Public Domain and Mobility Regulation (RDPM)
The Direction déléguée de la Régulation du Domaine Public et des Mobilités (RDPM) is a component of the Pôle des Sécurités et de la Tranquillité Publique of the city of Montpellier. It plays a central role in implementing public policies on mobility, urban requalification and public safety.
Missions and activities:
- Commercial and events occupations: instruction of requests for terraces, stalls, temporary events and large gatherings. Management of liquor licenses and monitoring of establishments in liaison with the Prefecture and the National Police.
- Inappropriate parking and mobility: roadside checks and active mobility, nuisance and abusive parking, car impoundment, pedestrian area management and access controls, sanctuary areas, school protection, road safety
- On-street pay parking : operational management of the delegated operator, TaM, in charge of managing rights holders (residents, professionals, etc.), user payments and the management of the parking system.), user payment, control of paid parking, management of disputes.
- Urban and Animal Environment: environmental and public health policing (littering and illegal dumping), conservation policing of the public domain and establishments, forestry policing, animal policing (biting and categorized dogs, animal abuse), parks and gardens policing