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I need help managing my budget

Our advisors are there to help you

A social and family economics advisor welcomes Montpellier residents seeking budgetary advice, support with their financial difficulties and/or assistance with their over-indebtedness file.

The budget area of the Centre d'Expérimentations et d'Innovation Sociale of the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale offers free personalized budget advice and group workshops led by professionals, to help people cope with financial difficulties.

  • Budget management advice: listening to people to help them organize their spending and make savings.
  • Project financing: information on microcredit, aid available to people on modest incomes.
    From €300 to €3,000, microcredits can finance projects such as the purchase of a vehicle, household appliances, a driver's license or legal fees, etc.
  • Fighting over-indebtedness: personal analysis of a person's situation and help with drawing up an over-indebtedness file.

Centre d'Expérimentations et d'Innovation Sociale du CCAS de Montpellier

Plateforme téléphonique de l'espace budget : 04 99 52 77 74

  • Monday mornings 9am to 12:30pm
  • Thursday mornings 9am to 12:30pm

Open to the public Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm.
Standard : 04 99 52 85 31
15 place Salengro 34000 Montpellier
Access: tramway line 3, stop Plan cabanes / bus 11 Les Bouisses, stop Craponne

Espace Gisèle Halimi

Point Conseil Budget by appointment on Tuesdays from 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm
04 99 52 85 31
35 rue de la Haye 34080 Montpellier
Access: tramway line 1 "Les Halles de la Paillade"

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