More than 80 playgrounds in Montpellier

Play areas to play together
Because the right to play must be universal, the City of Montpellier is renovating certain play areas to make them accessible to as many people as possible. All children must be able to play in them, whatever their physical, sensory, psychological, intellectual or cognitive singularities.
Play areas to reconnect with nature
Some of them are made of natural materials and are located in the city's parks. This calm and sometimes shady plant environment is also a way for children to reconnect with nature.
Playgrounds for learning and developing the imagination
Playing is the primary source of learning and discovery. A playground must be a source of sensations and emotions for all children.
The new playgrounds offer new forms of collective play and contribute to the development and health of children. Here, they develop their motor, intellectual and imaginary skills, while strengthening their self-confidence and their relationship with others.
A concerted transformation approach
This playground renovation approach is organized on the basis of consultations, notably with the children of the Conseil municipal des enfants, schools in the vicinity of the playground, the liaison committee, neighborhood councils, childminder networks, parents, Maisons pour tous, etc.
Playground map
This map allows you to locate all the city's playgrounds and lists the following information for each one (by clicking on the gray buttons):
- Size
- Adapted age ranges
- Located in a park or not
- Shaded or not
Very soon, it will be updated to indicate:
- Inclusiveness of facilities for different forms of disability: motor, visual, hearing, mental or psychic
- Major points of interest
- Presence of changing table