Agora des savoirs

Sharing scientific knowledge and the latest advances in research. This is the role of the Agora des savoirs, a major popular event launched in 2009 by the Metropole and the City of Montpellier alongside a scientific council made up of some twenty Montpellier academics.
Objective: to highlight the role of the researcher in our societies, and contribute to raising awareness of the various disciplines of human knowledge.
This series of public meetings is hosted by scientists and experts. They address a variety of topical themes in all fields of research, from astronomy to physics, archaeology, law, history, health, artificial intelligence and many others.
Each season begins on the first Wednesday in November and runs until late April or early May.The lectures take place on Wednesdays, in front of more than 400 people at the Rabelais Center (27, boulevard Sarrail in Montpellier). They are broadcast live and recorded on the chaîne YouTube de l'Agora des savoirs and on Divergence FM (93.9). They take place every 15 days and are interpreted in French sign language.
Admission is free, subject to availability.