Objective: to finance work and equipment for agents and work premises.
The rate of direct employment of beneficiaries of the obligation to employ disabled workers represents over 8% for the City of Montpellier and almost 6.5% for the Metropole in 2022.
For the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale of the City of Montpellier, this rate reaches 9% in 2022.
Handi'Job employment forum
This forum for employment of people with disabilities brings together PSH jobseekers and employers. It takes place every year in November, during the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities.
It is held at Montpellier's Corum and brings together 1,200 people with disabilities. 130 employers are present to offer nearly 300 job vacancies.
Public procurement
The City of Montpellier has adopted its SPASER (Schéma de Promotion des Achats publics Socialement et Écologiquement Responsables) in spring 2022, designed to structure its responsible purchasing.
Objective: to award public contracts to ESATs (Etablissements et Service d'Accompagnement par le Travail) and/or reserve contracts or lots for Adapted Enterprises as well as Etablissements et Services d'Aides par le Travail (or equivalent structures), and to do so in order to promote the employment of disabled workers.