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Occupation of the public domain

In Montpellier and the surrounding area, the number of pedestrians, cyclists, scooters and motorized two-wheelers is constantly increasing. So it's important to ensure the safe cohabitation of all users on the city's various public roads.
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

The Direction déléguée de la Régulation du Domaine Public et des Mobilités (RDPM) plays a fundamental role in managing the occupation of the public domain, with the mission of ensuring order, safety and the fluidity of urban life. Its intervention concerns various aspects of the daily lives of residents, shopkeepers and road users, with a common objective: to guarantee a harmonious and safe living environment for all.

One of the main missions of the Direction déléguée de la Régulation du Domaine Public et des Mobilités (RDPM) includes the management of nuisances generated by the terraces of cafés, restaurants or other businesses, which can encroach on sidewalks or traffic space.

As far as road users are concerned, the municipal police are involved on several fronts. With the growing number of pedestrians, cyclists, cars and businesses, the municipal police must both guarantee the safety of citizens, but also enable a reasoned use of space, to avoid conflicts of use and guarantee everyone their right to a safe environment.

They control parking on the public highway to avoid congestion and facilitate vehicle circulation, particularly in the city's busiest areas.


In practice

Occupying the public domain

Shopkeepers, associations and residents: find out how to apply to occupy the public domain and create a street number for your business, premises or home.

Sharing the public highway

Whether you're in a car, on a bike, on foot, on a scooter or on two-wheeled motorized vehicles, the rules of the road must be respected. By sharing space, everyone finds their place and travels in safety. In the metropolis, the number of pedestrians, cyclists, scooters and...

Montpellier's pedestrian areas

Whether you're on foot or with a non-motorized cycle, Montpellier's pedestrian areas are reserved for you. There are several pedestrian areas in different neighborhoods: Écusson, Antigone, Celleneuve, Richter, Port Marianne...