For the second year, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole is launching its Call for Projects (AAP) in partnership with the Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse (RMC) to support projects and initiatives by international solidarity players at national level that enable the implementation of water and sanitation projects. Applications open January 27, 2025 until midnight March 20, 2025.
The objective: in line with its commitment and actions the Metropole, in partnership with the RMC Water Agency, has chosen to focus in this call for projects on the themes of Water and Sanitation.
Structures eligible to apply must:
- Have the status of a French association (the association may be in partnership with a company).
- Be legally established for at least 6 months on the date the application is submitted.
- Local associations (Metropole of Montpellier) will be given a 5% bonus in the evaluation, but projects run by associations domiciled in other regions will be eligible for the grant.
The Metropole of Montpellier gives preference to operations located:
- In the Mediterranean region, in the following countries: Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria;
- In sub-Saharan Africa.
Projects in red zones (identified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) will not be eligible. This applies in particular to the following countries: Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Sudan, South Sudan, major parts of eastern DRC, eastern Mauritania, etc.
Projects in the orange zone (Ministry of Foreign Affairs identification) are eligible, but will have to include a description of the security situation and present security guarantees appropriate to the geographical area. Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole reserves the right not to accept a project taking place in a country deemed unsafe. Information on security in foreign countries can be found at
Projects submitted must explicitly identify a local need or demand, and be able to respond to it. Specify how the identification of the need and the solutions provided by the project have been the subject of local consultation and elicit the overall support of the population.
Only projects with a total budget not exceeding €50,000 including tax will be eligible under this call for projects. The total duration of projects must not exceed 24 months from the signing of the grant award agreement.
The grant awarded by Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and the RMC Water Agency may not exceed 50% of the total project amount. The remaining budget must be borne by self-financing or co-financing. Co-financing via other calls for projects from the Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse will not be eligible.
Practical information
Complete applications must be submitted via the online grant application platform by 20/03/2025.
Steps to follow on the platform:
- Registering on the platform;
- Creating a user profile;
- Completing the "AAP Eau et Assainissement" form (an application template is available to anticipate the form's entry).
All requested documents must be attached to the application in PDF format. The application must be signed by a legal representative of the structure.
Applicants requiring further information on this AAP can do so at the following addresses: and