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Follow "Montpellier Sport Club" on Twitch

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"Montpellier Sport Club" animée par Bertrand Queneutte chaque mercredi à partir du 19 février, de 20h à 22h, en direct sur puis en replay sur Twitch et YouTube.

"Montpellier Sport Club" hosted by Bertrand Queneutte every Wednesday

Montpellier and its Metropole are breaking new ground by creating their first channel on the Twitch platform:

This new medium will be launched on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, with a 100% sports show. Hosted by Bertrand Queneutte, the "Montpellier Sport Club", will become a weekly rendez-vous on news from France's second most sporting territory after Paris according to national daily reference L'Equipe.

The new rendez-vous for sports enthusiasts

Broadcast every Wednesday from 8-10pm until the end of the season, live on Twitch then replayed on Twitch and YouTube, the "Montpellier Sport Club" will be presented by Bertrand Queneutte, former sports journalist at Radio France. He will be accompanied by consultants and columnists, and will welcome a number of guests each week (presidents, coaches, players, personalities...).

This program will feature interactivity with its viewers, and will focus on MHSC news, but will also evoke that of other professional clubs in the Metropolis.
The major events to be hosted this year on the territory - the French swimming championship, Tour de France 2025 - as well as the great stories of the local amateur world, will not be forgotten.

After a year marked by the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which thrilled the whole world, and Montpellier in particular, in 2025 the City and Metropolis of Montpellier are offering sports enthusiasts the chance to share in a totally new way, live, every week, their reactions to club results and their emotions for sport in general.

Je suis fier et heureux de porter ce très beau projet, dans une ville où le sport est roi, et dans une métropole où foisonnent des clubs et des athlètes aussi attachants que passionnants. Entouré par une bande de pros et d'experts, j'entends être au service des passionnés et des supporters qui auront toute leur place pour réagir et poser leurs questions, en direct. Cette émission sera faite de débat et de décryptage, avec beaucoup de sérieux sur le fond et de légèreté sur la forme, afin de donner des clés et le sourire à ceux et celles qui nous rejoindront.
Bertrand Queneutte
Animateur de la nouvelle chaîne Twitch "Montpellier Sport Club"