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Public inquiry: have your say on the Intercommunal Local Urban Plan (PLUi)

Temps de lecture : 1 minute

Send us your comments by February 28

The Plan Local d'Urbanisme Intercommunal (PLUi) is an urban planning document that determines the conditions of development and land use, on the scale of the metropolitan territory, and aims to strengthen solidarity between the communes to propose a collective project of co-construction.

A public inquiry dedicated to gathering the public's observations and proposals on the Plan Local d'Urbanisme Intercommunal climate projects is open from January 29 to February 28, 2025.

The public inquiry also covers the zoning projects:

  • stormwater, to ensure consistency between urban development planning and consideration of the effects of soil sealing on the water cycle,
  • wastewater, by delimiting collective sanitation zones within which the Metropole is required to ensure the collection of domestic wastewater and the storage, treatment and discharge or reuse of all the water collected ; and non-collective sanitation zones, where the Metropole is required to control these installations.