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Combating fuel poverty with SLIME

Created by the CCAS, the Service Local d'Intervention pour la Maîtrise de l'Énergie (SLIME) helps low-income households in Montpellier to improve the energy performance of their homes.
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

The SLIME raises awareness, informs and trains households in fuel poverty: working with them to define sustainable solutions for saving water and energy.

Conditions for benefiting from SLIME

  • Living in Montpellier
  • Being a tenant or homeowner
  • Experiencing problems with heating or access to energy, due to the poor thermal performance of your home and outdated equipment
  • Experiencing difficulties paying your energy bill, or depriving yourself to limit the amount

How SLIME works

Social workers carry out a FREE diagnosis in beneficiaries' homes. They offer personalized support including:

  • Advice on uses and eco-gestures
  • Small energy-saving equipment
  • Guidance towards schemes adapted to each situation (renovation programs, social, budgetary, legal or other support)

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