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Theatrical creation and promotion fund

The artistic and cultural vitality on the metropolitan territory bears witness to Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole's strong commitment to supporting artists, associations and companies.

Through the Fonds d'Aide à la Création et la Diffusion Théâtrale, created in 2003, the local authority encourages the creation of works and enables a wider distribution of shows created and performed by local companies.

Since 2023, access to the fund to support theatrical creation and dissemination has been through a call for projects with applications submitted in January and June.

This new schedule is more in line with the season programming of the various venues.

Why set up a fund to support theatrical creation and promotion?

This aid fund meets 3 objectives:

  • Enriching the cultural offer in the 31 communes of the Metropole
  • Favoring the distribution of works by artists, companies and cultural associations in the Metropole territory.
  • Foster mutualization and cooperation between cultural players and communes in the Metropole

Who can benefit?

To benefit from this fund to support theatrical creation and dissemination, professional companies must meet the following criteria:

  • be established in the region
  • have a performing arts entrepreneur's license
  • be up to date with their social security contributions
  • develop a creation or dissemination project in the Metropolitan area
  • be part of in the effective programming of a venue through a transfer contract
  • or be hosted in a creative residency in the Metropole and generate mediation and/or dissemination activities in the area

How can I get a grant or assistance?

The selection criteria for projects, with a view to obtaining a grant, are as follows:

  • artistic quality and its singularity
  • distribution programming several performance dates
  • territorial balance on a Metropolitan scale
  • the financial viability of the project, co-productions or residencies at venues acquired or in the process of being acquired
  • the diversity of the artistic fields presented

The payment of subsidies is subject to the signature of a tripartite agreement between the beneficiary association, the presenter and the Metropole.

Applying for a grant involves compiling a file via the Metropole's online platform: