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Group home

The City of Montpellier directly manages municipal crèches and financially supports private and associative initiatives, in partnership with the CAF de l'Hérault. Regardless of the type of manager, all establishments and services are governed by the French Public Health Code.

  • Collective crèches (including former haltes garderies)

They essentially offer regular care organized with families under a reception contract. A child can be cared for on a regular full-time basis (5 days a week) or on a part-time basis (1 to 4 days a week).

Community crèches can also offer occasional care, in which case there is no contract. The former haltes-garderies are now part of collective crèches. They offer places for regular full-day or half-day care, but are also open to children whose parents have ad hoc or occasional needs. Generally, these care times are organized on a half-day basis and require weekly reservations in advance.

Note: some crèches offer atypical hours (before 7:30 a.m. and after 6:30 p.m.).

  • Micro-crèches

They welcome children aged from 2 1/2 months to 6 years. They can accommodate a maximum of 12 children simultaneously. They generally only offer regular care.