How much does daycare cost?
The cost varies according to the type of childcare chosen, the family's composition and its income.
To make things clearer, a scale of crèche costs (collective or family) and a simulator to calculate the hourly rate in municipal early childhood establishments are available on this page.
Cost of your child's stay in a day-care center
Whether regular or occasional care is provided in collective crèches and foster care services, a family participation rate is applied on the basis of an hourly flat rate.
This family participation rate is degressive according to family composition, income, time of care and chosen mode of care.
For private or associative establishments, it is essential to contact each structure directly to find out about specific childcare conditions, particularly in terms of rates and registration procedures.
Rates applicable on January 1, 2024
A family's rate is calculated according to taxable income. If the family is not affiliated to the Caisse d'Allocation Familiale or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA), the rate is multiplied by 1.5.
Rates applicable from January to December 2024
Nombre d'enfants
Taux de participation familiale - Accueil collectif (crèches, halte-garderies, jardin d'enfants)
Taux de participation familiale - Accueil familial (crèches familiales)
1 enfant
0,0619 %
0,0516 %
2 enfants
0,0516 %
0,0413 %
3 enfants
0,0413 %
0,0310 %
4 ou 5 enfants
0,0310 %
0,0310 %
6 ou 7 enfants
0,0310 %
0,0206 %
8, 9 ou 10 enfants
0,0206 %
0,0206 %
CAF-defined ceiling: €6,000 / month
CAF-defined floor: €765.77 / month
Simulación de tarifa horaria de guardería municipal
*rates calculated as a guide. The final price will be given to you when your child registers.
PSU and PAJE: two methods of financing childcare
Good to know
Family daycare centers or SAFs operate in PSU mode, the family participation rate applied is that of the lower bracket than that of collective care.
The cost to families is therefore lower than in a collective facility.