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How much does daycare cost?

The cost varies according to the type of childcare chosen, the family's composition and its income.

To make things clearer, a scale of crèche costs (collective or family) and a simulator to calculate the hourly rate in municipal early childhood establishments are available on this page.

Cost of your child's stay in a day-care center

Whether regular or occasional care is provided in collective crèches and foster care services, a family participation rate is applied on the basis of an hourly flat rate.

This family participation rate is degressive according to family composition, income, time of care and chosen mode of care.

For private or associative establishments, it is essential to contact each structure directly to find out about specific childcare conditions, particularly in terms of rates and registration procedures.

Rates applicable on January 1, 2024

A family's rate is calculated according to taxable income. If the family is not affiliated to the Caisse d'Allocation Familiale or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA), the rate is multiplied by 1.5.

Rates applicable from January to December 2024

Nombre d'enfants
Taux de participation familiale - Accueil collectif (crèches, halte-garderies, jardin d'enfants)
Taux de participation familiale - Accueil familial (crèches familiales)
1 enfant
0,0619 %
0,0516 %
2 enfants
0,0516 %
0,0413 %
3 enfants
0,0413 %
0,0310 %
4 ou 5 enfants
0,0310 %
0,0310 %
6 ou 7 enfants
0,0310 %
0,0206 %
8, 9 ou 10 enfants
0,0206 %
0,0206 %

CAF-defined ceiling: €6,000 / month
CAF-defined floor: €765.77 / month

Simulación de tarifa horaria de guardería municipal


Type d'accueil

*rates calculated as a guide. The final price will be given to you when your child registers.

PSU and PAJE: two methods of financing childcare

This pricing system only applies to establishments that have signed an agreement with Caf, whatever their status (public, associative, private...). Facilities that operate with the Prestation de service unique (PSU) receive funding directly from Caf. This agreement with Caf enables the application of a fee structure based on a national scale and adapted to family income.

The calculation of the hourly amount for each family is based on a family participation rate that takes into account the type of childcare facility, resources and family composition within the limit of a floor and ceiling amount. In practical terms, a family will pay the same hourly rate in any early childhood facility as long as it operates in PSU mode.

As the hourly rate applied is adapted to each family's income, it does not represent the actual hourly cost of a crèche. For this reason, families will not be able to claim other benefits from the Caf to offset childcare costs. Families will, however, be entitled to a tax credit calculated on the amounts paid for the previous year.

This pricing system applies to certain micro-crèches, independent childcare assistants and Maisons d'Assistant(e)s Maternel(le)s.

Other structures are not directly financed by the Caf with the PSU. They are therefore free to apply their own rates (within a framework imposed by Caf), which can be degressive according to criteria such as family resources or the amount of childcare required. Parents must pay the cost of childcare in advance, and may receive assistance in arrears from the Caf, which is part of the PAJE (prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant - childcare benefit for young children) :

  • For micro-crèches in PAJE mode, families receive the Complément de libre choix du mode de garde structure
  • For independent childcare assistants and Maison d'Assistant(e)s Maternel(le)s, families receive the complément de libre choix du mode de garde (the Cmg "remuneration"). Families will also be eligible for a tax credit on the costs incurred.

Good to know

Family daycare centers or SAFs operate in PSU mode, the family participation rate applied is that of the lower bracket than that of collective care.
The cost to families is therefore lower than in a collective facility.

Carte des établissements d'accueil de la Petite Enfance

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